Увы, в силу не слишком хорошего знания матчасти за перевод не возьмусь. Но на всяк случай:
Disclaimer: this is an guide of installing ED on Linux distribution using Windows library wrapper Wine. This is not official (and not officially supported), and is deemed experimental, so only use your commander account only if you know what you are doing. Also please don't ask FD for help as they won't be really aware about this setup and don't support it. Also ED Horizons using Wine won't work on MacOS due of Apple not supporting OpenGL beyond 4.1 version.
I am intended to update this post as new information comes along.
State of Success
As for 22.10.2017 using Wine 2.18 staging version on Fedora Linux 25 with Nvidia binary driver - 64-bit version of ED - launcher is working for installation and logging in, game hangs during compute shader compilation, give CRC check error message (previously: launcher can't download game, hangs).
**** Please note that 32-bit version of game is obsoleted by developer and isn't available any more since launch of 2.4 update ****
TLDR So for now it is just for those with deeper Wine/Linux knowledge to help it moving forward, as game basically doesn't work at it basic level yet.
Please note that while technically Wine translates to appropriate OpenGL version, and thus DirectX11 will be translated to OpenGL 4.3 at least, various graphics drivers will behave differently. It is highly suggested to use newest stable driver version for your card.
Installation steps
First, you have to make sure you have most up to date Wine version. Current Wine version testing against is 2.14 staging. We use staging patches (those come seperately from core dev updates because it has major works for DirectX11 shader and texture support
* Fedora 25/26 - these distributions include all latest Wine plus staging releases, so all you need is to verify is your system up to date, or wine is installed
+ use sudo dnf install wine in your terminal of choice to install Wine for first time,
+ use sudo dnf update wine if you are updating it from some recent version of wine
* Ubuntu 16.04 LTS/16.10/17.04/17.10 - follow instructions here to enable and install staging Wine for Ubuntu https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu
Second for next steps you would require understanding of Wine prefix functionality. Default wine prefix - virtual Windows drive where applications and functionality is installed - is hidden folder .wine at user home directory. However you can change it using environmental variable WINEPREFIX. If you have additional games installed using wine I suggest you NOT to try these steps because it is still very prone to all kind of things going wrong. Still, if you are want to do this, use WINEPREFIX for different virtual drive for Wine as we will modify system quite a bit. You also need to use WINEARCH=win32 to setup Wine 32-bit version. Default is 64-bit if you are on 64-bit Linux system. Installation steps differ for Wine 64-bit but I will update this post later to cover what to expect. In long term 64-bit is more interesting but it has more generic bugs but 32-bit version allows us to fix shader loading and other D3D stuff.
+ use WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine winecfg to initialize Wine virtual drive. You can choose whatever prefix you like, even storing it on different mounted file system. Winecfg is configuration tool which allows you to modify various settings of Wine including used Windows version. for installation of ED use Windows 7.
Now you need to download newest winetricks script - which is very helpful script for Wine which installs all kind of functionality and software for Wine. As with Wine newest version, it is highly suggested to download and/or regularly update script as new methods and improvements are added to enable functionality for Wine. For general information read here https://wiki.winehq.org/Winetricks. But for just downloading newest version just use this command (I usually put it at home directory for easy access, but you can put it anywhere in your file systems):
+ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Winet … winetricks && chmod +x winetricks
Now use downloaded winetricks script to install ED dependencies required to launch both ED launcher and a game
+ WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine winetricks dotnet452 corefonts quartz vcrun2012
This command installs .NET support for 4.5 profile, Core fonts, and other libraries required to run both launcher and game. It will open dialogs for you to confirm installations of these items. There are no strange situations at the moment, so just follow flow of steps required to get trough.
Note that winetricks switch around Windows version to get things installed so use command
+ WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine winecfg to switch Windows version used to Windows 7
Install Elite Dangerous installer and launcher WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine EliteDangerous-Client-Installer.exe
Launch ED launcher with this command
+ WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine "c:\Program Files\Frontier\EDLauncher\EDLauncher.exe"
If you have done previous steps properly you will get ED Launcher running. Beware of visual parts appearing/disappearing because of losing/getting mouse focus - this is known issue. Logging in, game browsing, installing should work;
Installation steps for Wine 64-bit/Elite Dangerous Horizons
Note: Wine 64-bit command is wine64. If you will create 64-bit prefix but still run wine 32-bit command you might get some inconsistent results. I got better results with wine64.
1. To initialize Wine 64-bit prefix use WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine64 winecfg. Then choose 'Windows 7' in version list and hit Apply for configuration change
2. To install Winetricks dependencies use WINEPREFIX=~/edwine WINE=/usr/bin/wine64 ./winetricks dotnet452 corefonts quartz vcrun2012
3. Switch back to Windows 7 after winetricks have changed it with WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine64 winecfg to switch Windows version used to Windows 7
4. Install Elite Dangerous installer and launcher WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine64 EliteDangerous-Client-Installer.exe
5. Launch ED launcher (pun intended) WINEPREFIX=~/ed-wine wine64 "c:\Program Files\Frontier\EDLauncher\EDLauncher.exe"
6. Install EDH and try to play it. At this point it gives me CRC error for server connection. See error here https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43464
Report all bugs to Wine bugzilla https://bugs.winehq.org. Also there's ongoing rendering bug for Elite Dangerous https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43162 so you can add your experience there.
Known issues
Current status quo: ED 32-bit freezes during introductionary video, ED 64-bit (EDH) fails with CRC error during shader compiling introduction
* ED Launcher parts of info panes disappear/appear (all Wine versions)
* ED Horizons 64-bit version having CRC error - (Wine 2.13) https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43464
* ED main menu not working (Wine 2.11)
* ED 32-bit client freezing during opening video (Wine 2.12/2.13)
* ED 32-bit client launches with 3D meshes, but no textures and shaders (Wine 2.10) https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43162
Fixmes (frequently seen fixme errors which might be required to be fixed for ED to run properly)
* fixme:nls:GetUserGeoID GEOCLASS_REGION not handled yet