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Beta 2.2 стрим + Журналы изменений

Сообщений 1 страница 24 из 24


Темы по бете нету, однако обновление уже летит (ползет), к вечеру можно будет потестить, Dashie обещал сделать это совместно.


1. Перенести все корабли на шинрарту (новым способом транспортировки) и посмотреть общие изменения интерфейса (карта галактики), а также наем и просмотр нового снаряжения корабля. (Корабли в бете, переносятся исключительно из расчета расстояния, примерно 20 минут - 100 св.лет. Ни размер, ни прыжок на время никак не влияют, однако цена рассчитывается, в зависимости от размера корабля и стоимости его модулей. Интерфейс изменился не сильно, добавилось много новых инженеров, добавился пункт для просмотра пассажиров (их количества и количества кают) При прыжке показывается некоторая информация, в какую систему прыжок, сколько лет + уровень безопасности, разыскиваешься ли ты, и если ты в силе или имеешь плохую репутацию с фракцией, враждебная ли система. Карта галактики почти не изменилась, однако способ путешествий теперь можно поменять разительно, исследователи могут строить маршруты исключительно по нейтронным звездам, и звездам, от которых можно заправляться, торговцы могут прокладывать маршруты по безопасным, не анархическим системам, в зависимости от уровня безопасности системы, добавлен фильтр систем, который ты посещал. Нового снаряжения, за исключением ангара для истребителей нет, наем ботов в лобби, в количестве 3 штук, с собой можно взять только 1. Однако из ангара можно было бы выпустить сразу 2 истребителя, нужен еще 1 бот. Добавлены новые сценарии обучения (на ТРП, майнинг, а также соревновательные режимы)
2. Подробный обзор белуги линера и прочих новых кораблей. Чистый каттер по управляемости, в цене будет от 72 до 82 миллионов, в зависимости от скидки, тащит на себе 364 тонны груза, прыгает примерно как АСП Эксп. Не плох в качестве майнера или торговца, и уж точно луче типа9. имеет 5 средних слотов под оружие, 6 внешних слотов, 2 слота 6 класса под любое оборудование, и 2 слота 6 класса исключительно под усиление корпуса, грузового трюма или кают. Только в него или в орку можно купить роскошные каюты. Также корабль имеет слоты 5, 4 и 3 класса, но я не припомню их количество) Также добавлены 3 истребителя, которые отличаются по разгрузке, маневренности и броне, цена у всех - одинаковая.
3. Первичный тест эффекта оружия Thermal Cascade. (нужен напарник) (Если у корабля противника есть хитсинки, то оружие даже не будет нагревать корабль, необходимо чтобы у цели нагрев был изначально 50-80 процентов, тогда последующий набор температуры будет эффективным) Следует заметить что оборонные турели были значительно улучшены, как минимум за счет увеличения дальности их применения. При стрельбе с расстояния 4 км, 2 турелями были уничтожены 22 ракеты из 24. При стрельбе с расстояния километра и ближе ракеты долетают до цели.
4. Выполнение новых миссий (на перевозки пассажиров).
5. Полет по всем типам станций. (посещены агрокультурные и туристические порты, выглядят красиво) 
6. Поиск новых инженеров и полеты по старым в целях нахождения изменений. (все улучшения можно будет делать за рыбу, новым инженерам, нужны в основном дата материалы, а также 1 рарный товар) 
7. Изучение нейтронных звезд, и работа с радиолучами. Которые не только видны глазом, но и заряжают фсд двигатели, и медленно тебя уничтожают. Выбраться из пучков реально, иногда в пучки могут залететь и боты, вслед за тобой)
8. Поиск планет с вулканизмом.

Дальше наполню - как придумаю. Пишите в теме, что хотите увидеть)

Изменения в бете

Ссылка - отслеживаю данную ветку на момент изменений.
2.2 апдейт 1
2.2 апдейт 3
2.2 5 апдейт

Стримы и видео.

Стримы и видео

Топик с геймскома тут

Отредактировано Siverko (06-10-2016 06:09:14)



теперь "Боль" для всего ICU ... точнее для БГС :-) , все повалять хапать новое, ну и пофиксили быстрые экспансии.



Ежам дали неуправляемую ракету, которая перезапускает ФСД

Вот и ладушки...



PepelatziGravetzappa написал(а):

теперь "Боль" для всего ICU ... точнее для БГС :-) , все повалять хапать новое, ну и пофиксили быстрые экспансии.

Чего?.. А по-русски?



PepelatziGravetzappa написал(а):

теперь "Боль" для всего ICU ... точнее для БГС  , все повалять хапать новое, ну и пофиксили быстрые экспансии.

Получается теперь мы будем расширятся медленно? Что конкретно пофиксят?



Новые изменения: Источник

Зак Антониачи

Приветствую, командиры,
Greetings Commanders,

С удовольствием подтверждаю выход Беты 2.2 на ПС. Обращаю ваше внимание на то, что транспортировка судов соответствует результатам опроса и включает время доставки. Перемещение модулей ещё в работе и ещё не доступны.
I'm pleased to confirm that the 2.2 beta is now live on PC. Please note that the ship transfers in the beta are correct as per the community poll and include delivery times. Module transfers and storage are still being worked on, so aren't available yet.

Журнал изменений ниже. Пожалуйста, не торопитесь в игре и протестируйте всё наилучшим образом, прежде чем выкладывать отзывы на Форуме Беты здесь.
The change log is detailed below. Please do take the time to play and test the update as best you can and ensure you give your feedback on the Beta forums here,

Если у вас нет доступа к Бете, вы можете приобрести её здесь.
If you do not have Horizons Beta access, you can purchase it from our store from here.


Журнал изменений/ Change log:

Новое содержание 2.2 / NEW CONTENT 2.2


- Добавлен F-63 Кондор в игровые корабли/Added F-63 Condor as a playable ship
- Добавлен Имперский истребитель в игровые корабли/Added Imperial Fighter as a playable ship
- Добавлен Тайпан в игровые корабли / Added Taipan as a playable ship
- Добавлены специализированные модули вооружения для истребителей/ Added fighter specific weapon modules
- Добавлено снаряжение для истребителей/ Added fighter loadouts
- Добавлены отсеки для истребителей у кораблей: Фед. Корвет, Имп. Каттер, Анаконда, Тип-9, Белуга, Фед. Ганшип и Килбэк (прим. потом правильные названия вставлю :) ) /Added Fighter Bays for supported ships: Corvette, Cutter, Anaconda, Type 9, Beluga, Federal Gunship and Keelback
- Добавлена зона ожидания Команды /Added Crew Lounge
- НПС пилоты могут быть наняты / NPC fighter pilots can be hired
- Пилоты получают процентную долю / Hired pilots receive a revenue percentage
- Истребителям можно отдавать приказы / Fighters can be given orders
- Кораблю-матке можно отдавать простые приказы, пока игрок находится в истребителе / Mothership can be given simple orders when player is in a fighter
- НПС корабли могут использовать свои внутренние истребители/ NPC ships can use ship launched fighters
- Ролевая панель обновлена для поддержки действий истребителя/ Role panel updated to support fighter operations
- Показывается имя НПС-го пилота истребителя при выделении в цель управляемого им корабля / Display NPC Fighter Pilot name when targeting the ship they are controlling
- Добавлены напоминания/предупреждения о найме активной НПС команды /Added a warning/reminder to set active NPC crew

Особенности ландшафтов/Surface Features

- Добавлены новые геологические особенности (гейзеры и фумаролы - прим. Выходы горячего вулканического газа )/ New geological features added (fumeroles and geysers)
- Добавлены биологические объекты / Biological entities added
- Точки интереса могут быть постоянными (включая новые геологические и органические объекты) /POIs can now be persistant (applies to new geological and organic features)
- Добавлены загадочные объекты/ Mysterious things added


- Добавлен лайнер Белуга в игровые корабли/  Added Beluga Liner as a playable ship


- Добавлены тех.чертежи для блюдец-дронов /Limpet blueprints added
- Добавлены чертежи для Сканеров (Следов РСД, Груза, Преступников) /Scanners (KWS, Cargo, Wake) blueprints added
- Добавлены чертежи для Противодействий (ЭПД, Дип. отражателей, Теплоотвод. катапульты, ) /Defences (ECM, Chaff, Heat Sinks, and Point Defence Turrets) blueprints added
- Добавлены чертежи для вспомогательного оборудования (Системы жизнеобеспечения, Топливозаборника, Очистителя, АПР) / Utilities (Life Support, Fuel Scooping, Refinery, AFM) blueprints added
- Добавлены новые Инженеры / Added new Engineers


- Введение основывающейся на патче отрисовки планет в системные и планетные карты / Implementation of patch-based planet rendering on the system and planet maps

Новое содержание 1.7 / NEW CONTENT 1.7


- Добавлены пассажирские модули различных размеров и классов в Снаряжение/ Added passenger modules of different sizes and quality to outfitting
- Добавлен Туристический маяк (в космосе и на поверхности) /Tourist beacon (surface and space) added
- Туристические маяки присылают входящие сообщения с рекламой этого маяка при сканировании / Tourist beacons send an inbox message with the blurb for that beacon when scanned
- Зал ожидания пассажиров / Passenger Lounge
- Добавлен Зал ожидания пассажиров в Сервисы Станции / Added Passenger Lounge to Station Services
- Доступны Турагентства в зале ожидания / Travel agents are available in the passenger lounge
- Пассажиры могут различаться по количеству и ВИП категориям/ Passengers can be bulk or VIP varieties
- Для пассажирских миссий в миссионной панели добавлена фильтрация и выбор кают  / Added in support for mission filtering and selecting cabins in the missions panel for passenger missions
- Добавлена тематика для типов новых пассажирских миссий - плюс соответствующие иконки / Added mission themes for the new passenger mission types - plus appropriate icons
- На панели Транзакций офильтрованные миссии с их тематикой находятся в отдельном разделе / Filtered missions with these themes to their own section on the transaction panel
- Добавлены пользовательские линии приветствий и заголовков (прим. ????) / Custom welcome lines and titles added
- Добавлены различные типы пассажиров / Added different passenger types
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Гуманитарный работник / Aid Worker passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Делец / Business passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Уголовник / Criminal passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Исследователь / Explorer passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Медик / Medical passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Маленькая знаменитость / Minor Celebrity passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Политический заключённый / Political Prisoner passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Политик / Politician passenger type added
- Добавлен ти пассажиров Военнопленный / POW passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Заключённый / Prisoner passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Манифестант /Protester passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров  Беженец /Refugee passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Учёный /Scientist passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Охрана /Security passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Солдат /Soldier passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Террорист /Terrorist passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Турист /Tourist passenger type added
- Добавлен тип пассажиров Глава государства / Head of State passenger type added
- Добавлена поддержка пользовательского интерфейса для отображения записей пассажира при сканировании груза / Added UI support for showing passenger entries when cargo scanning
- У пассажиров (или их представителей) есть портреты и имена /Passengers (or their representitives) have portraits and names
- На панель фонаря кабины добавлена вкладка инвентаря каюты /Added cabin inventory tab to cockpit panel
- Добавлен прототип НПС Пассажирский лайнер / Passenger Liner NPC archetype added
- Пассажирские каюты требуют спасательные капсулы /Passenger cabins require escape pods
- Пассажирские лайнеры добавлены в список возможных целей для уничтожения / Added passenger liners as possible Massacre Targets
- Корабли могут быть просканированы в поиске разыскиваемых пассажиров / Ships can be scanned for wanted passengers
- Добавлена статистика для пассажирских контрактов / Added stats for passenger contracts
- Пассажиры, желающие покинуть корабль, используют спасательные капсулы/ Passengers use escape pods to abandon ship if they wish to leave
- Для экспедиционных миссий добавлен генератор отметок долгого времени (прим. Видимо, это когда долго стоишь и любуешься на красоты :) ) / Added a long time stamp generator for use in expedition missions

Общее /General

- Добавлены загадочные объекты / Mysterious things added
- Добавлена новая Держава игроков - Юрий Гром /New player power added - Yuri Grom
- Добавлены эффекты выплесков у нейтронных звёзд и белых карликов/ Jet effects added to neutron and white dwarf stars
- Обновлено обучение /Updated tutorials
- Добавлен персонаж Инструктора с диалогами в процессе сценариев обучения / Instructor character added with dialogue across all training scenarios.
- Добавлены дополнительные подсказки на экран и помощники во все сценарии обучения / Added additional on-screen prompts and assists to all training scenarios.
- Обновлены и улучшены существующие сценарии обучения, в т.ч. : / Updated and improved existing training scenarios:
- Путешествие и Стыковка / Docking and Travel
- Основы Боя / Basic Combat
- Добавлены новые сценарии обучения / Added new training scenarios:
- Основы полёта / Basic Flight
- Масштабное сражение /Advanced Combat
- Добыча руды /Mining
- Обучение ТРП / SRV Training
- Обучение загружаемого в корабль истребителя / Ship Launched Fighter Training
- Добавлено обучение добычи руды /Mining tutorial added
- Добавлен бортовой журнал игрока /Added local player event log
- Добавлена возможность перемещения собственных кораблей - доступно во всех Космоверфях / Option to move owned ships added - it's available from all Shipyards
- Добавлена возможность удалённо продавать корабли / Ability to sell ships remotely (from different ports) added
- Добавлено хранилище модулей (пока не активно в бете) /Module storage added to Outfitting (not currently active in beta)
- ХранИмые модули могут быть проданы (пока не активно в бете) /Stored modules can be sold (not currently active in beta)
- Добавлена система, поддерживающая бОльше вариантов интерьера станций /Add system to support greater variation with station interiors
- Добавлены элементы Индустриального интерьера /Industrial interior pieces added
- Добавлены элементы интерьера Услуг /Services interior pieces added
- Добавлены элементы интерьера Аграрного /Agricultural interior pieces added
- Добавлены элементы Высокотехнологичного интерьера /High Tech interior pieces added
- Добавлено несколько дополнительных вариантов интерьера ангаров (в соответствии с вышеизложенной схемой ) /Add some additional variants for hangar interiors (following the above scheme)
- Новое оформление для меню Сервисов станций /New layout for Station Services menu
- Добавлен  фактор  контакта для универсальности штрафов, военных контрактов и награды за головы - находится в системах с низким уровнем безопасности / Added a factor contact for universal fines, bonds and bounties handling - found in low security systems
- Разные контакты станций теперь имеют лица и имена / Various station contacts now have faces and names
- Добавлен фильтр Уровня безопасности в галактическую карту /Added a security filter to the Galaxy Map
- Добавлена возможность использования при прокладке маршрута по галактической карте управляющего системами фильтра /Added the ability to use a filter to govern systems used in route plotting in the galaxy map
- В галактическую карту добавлен фильтр посещённых систем (он использует локальное хранилище, поэтому будет записывать звёзды посещённые после выхода 2.2) /Visited stars filter added to the galaxy map (this uses local storage so will only record stars visited from 2.2 release)
- Добавлен метод полуавтоматической перепланировки маршрута к предыдущему месту назначения, в случаях потери маршрута после перезахода в игру или совершения прыжка не по маршруту/Add a method for semi-automatically replotting a route to the previous destination, if the route was lost after logging out of the game or jumping away from the route
- Добавлена фиксированное место локаций при использовании активов CQC/ Added fixed point locations using CQC assets
- Добавлены поверхности планет в планетарную карту /Added planet surfaces to planetary map
- Добавлены пристыкованные и ... варианты кораблей-маток /Added docked and state variants of the capital ships
- Добавлены доки для кораблей-маток в различных местах /Capital ship docks added to various locations
- Добавлен обзор статуса фракций в отчёты местных новостей Галнет / Added a Faction Status Summary to the local GalNet news feed
- Добавлено информационное всплывающее сообщение, показывающее уровень безопасности и, если необходимо, состояние системы при прыжке в новую систему /Added an info message popup which displays the security level and, if necessary, the state of the system when jumping to a new system
- Добавлено "нажмите КНОПКУ для отмены" в информацию прыжка-в-систему, где КНОПКА наиболее соответствует способу из различных забитых в настройках вариантов (прим. похоже добавлена подсказка какую кнопь нажать для отмены прыжка)/ Added "Press BUTTON to abort" to the jump-to-system info, where BUTTON is the most relevant of the various FSD input bindings
- Добавлен пользовательский интерфейс для подкачки двигателей при взлёте с поверхности планет /Added UI for the engine spooling when taking off from planetary surfaces
- Миссионный груз может быть продан на чёрном рынке /Mission cargo can be sold on the black market

Исправления стабильности (без перевода)/ Stability Fixes

- Fixed network crash caused by non-replicated objects having replicated children
- Fix for asserts/crashes and wrong items showing in outfitting when adjusting the sorting for buyback items
- Fix a potential NaN in the vehicle system
- Fix error while switching user while in matchmaking for CQC
- Fix crash during high res screen capture
- Fix a server crash if a CQC game ends at the same time the lobby is shut down
- Fix a crash when searching for an exact system name that doesn't exist
- Fix crash in CQC when taking damage and a contributing player doesn't exist any more, likely due to quitting
- Fix a crash in CQC if we try to send a message to or about a player that is no longer in the game, also a tweak to getting player params to return a default value if that player is no longer in the game
- Xbox One: The title enters a semi unresponsive state when changing the Yaw Axis Preset from within the Controls Options fixed

Общие исправления и тонкая настройка (без перевода) /General Fixes & Tweaks

- Speed/distance restrictions for dropping from supercruise now scale with how strong the local gravity influence is - the further from bodies the easier it is to drop out
- Fix an issue that could cause flickering and/or duplicate GUIs during interdiction
- Uncontrollable spin on completing interdictions at high speed fixed
- Fix a bug that meant the rate at which the target for the interdictee moved was partially tied to framerate.
- Kill Warrant Scanner does not show progress if the scan is started when the user is out of range
- Balance and cleanup pass to the challenge scenarios. Fix descriptions, tips and difficulty
- Wake Scanners, they now deploy and work in Supercruise again
- Cannot Unlock Target within the Contacts panel command fixed
- Sensor zoom level should now be approximately preserved between super cruise and normal space
- Labels in status panel now resize width to take up all available space
- Update cargo status when moving between faction space to keep legal status in sync with displayed status
- ComboBox Menu now has an opaque background - it's previous transparent one caused readability problems when overlaying other UI
- Fixed issues with right align not working on horizontal text boxes
- Fixed bug where scrolling the focused item off the top/bottom of the list would case the focused index to become nonsense
- Allow the UI to react to changes in the cargo more quickly
- Don't show Leave Voice Comms popup if we're just passing through the state while not in voice comms
- Inventory panel states activate cargo scanner, even when unable to fixed
- Fixed written text Messages being discarded if looking away from the comms panel
- Sub target panel will display retrieving scan data animation indefinitely fixed
- All the options and main menus now have confirmation dialogs when you cancel changes
- Flipped the heading calculated for the compass GUI (no effect on other areas) so it is consistent
- Orbital HUD optimisations
- Repair inbox messages when awarding certain permits
- Amended Get Long Lat String to return a string formatted Longitude, Latitude, instead of Latitude, Longitude
- Pitch and yaw on the photo camera will now work while docked for players using mouse control
- Fixed issue where button hit boxes were misaligned on friends list
- Fixed the options screens losing focus when scrolling up and down long lists
- Commanders occasionally being rescued to last known good stations if they've logged out after driving in an SRV but before flying anywhere else
- Xbox One: Removed cause of performance drain in the tutorial UI (pre-flight checks)
- Xbox One: Data point reset timer and supercruise charging GUI overlap and flicker fixed
- Xbox One: Game takes input during the transitions between menu options fixed
- Xbox One: In Open Play, The First time a user sends a comms message to To [LOCAL]: the cursor moves from right of [Local] to left of To fixed
- Xbox One: Speculative fix for Starport Services having long loading times
- Comms panel scroll bar going beyond the bar line fixed
- Fixed settlements appearing twice on the navigation panel
- Various text fixes


- Добавлена возможность продать специальный миссионный груз на чёрном рынке/ Added option to sell mission specific cargo on the black market
- Сценарий Поиска Товаров теперь аспект миссий /Seeking Goods scenarios now issue missions
- Убийство на заказ, Уничтожение, Пиратство, Спасательные миссии обновлены - имеют влияние на статус со фракцией цели / Assassination, Massacre, Piracy, Rescue missions updated to have target faction state effects
- Миссии на Спасение и Сбор оказывают новое влияние на фракцию-получателя /Salvage and Collect missions have got a new destination faction state effect now
- Курьерские миссии теперь также влияют на фракцию-получателя /Courier missions now also affect the target faction
- Игроки теперь могут выбросить специальный миссионный груз. Если третьи лица подберут указанный груз, они получат его "украденным" /Players can now drop mission specific cargo. If third parties pickup said cargo they receive it as stolen
- Добавлены новые входящие сообщения в шаблоны пиратских, спасательных и планетарных спасательных миссий /Added in new inbox text into piracy, rescue and planetary rescue mission templates
- Изменены таймеры динамических перерывов для агентов восстановления и охотников за грузом, появляющихся в пиратских и спасательных миссиях / Changed the timers to dynamic timeouts for recovery agents and cargo hunter wrinkles in piracy and rescue missions
- Добавлена проверка, использующаяся для обнаружения совершения игроком преступлений во время миссии /Add a check which can be used to detect if a player has committed a crime during a mission
- Шаблон миссий заказного убийства исправлен - имена под-целей не могли быть переписаны  правильно /Assassination mission template has a fix to alt targets name not being overwritten properly
- Шаблоны контрабандных и миссий доставки обновлены - новые типы влияния на статус фракции-получателя, так же как и на фракцию-отправителя /Updated smuggle and delivery mission templates with new state effects that affect the destination faction's state, as well as the mission giver's state
- Оптимизирована генерация миссий /Mission generation optimisations
- В вознаграждение по пиратским миссиям добавлены динамические кредитные награды за "вас не должны просканировать" / Added in the dynamic credit reward for not being scanned into the piracy missions reward transaction
- Добавлен миссионный компонент, отслеживающий нанесённый кораблю игрока урон / Added mission tracker component for damage to the player's ship
- Рассылающие сообщения НПС со скрытыми контактами должны остаться скрытыми /NPC Messengers with hidden contacts should be hidden
- Во вкладку Транзакций добавлен пилотный список с элементами контракта для агентов восстановления/пиратов у пиратских и спасательных миссий/ Added in a pilot roster contract element into the transaction tabs for the recovery agents/pirates in piracy and rescue missions
- Все миссии теперь дают положительный эффект при завершении на статус фракции-дающей их, это относится к Грузо/цели миссии (??) / All missions now give a positive state effect with the mission giver for completion, that is relative to the cargo/mission target
- Обновлён текст для входящего сообщения, говорящего игроку после убийства цели, что есть ещё больше целей. Касается типов миссий: Заказное убийство, Сбор, Курьерская, Доставка, Пиратство, Спасение груза и Спасение / Updated text for an inbox message in missions that tells the player when they have killed a target, that there are more targets. Mission types it affects: Assassination, Collect, Courier, Delivery, Piracy, Rescue and Salvage
- У контрабандных миссий более не работает вероятность Получить сообщение об изменении адреса получателя / Stopped New Destination Wrinkle from using Mission Giver Station in Smuggle missions
- Если у нас нет места для получения всех причитающихся наград материалами, добавляется только то, что может /If we don't have space for all the material rewards, only add what we can
- Удалена дублирующая информация из Уничтожения беспилотников /Remove duplicate information from massacre skimmer
- Исправлены некоторые проблемы макета с визуализацией деталей строки миссии / Fixed some layout issue with the mission row item renderer
- Изменено взаимодействие с миссией : так, если у миссии не пункта назначения, Пункт назначения" не отображается /Modified mission interaction so that "Destination" title will not be displayed if there is no destination for the mission
- Обновлены препятствия, возникающие в миссиях на уничтожение; теперь, если игрок игнорирует альтернативные входящие сообщения, миссия прогрессирует / Massacre templates alternate wrinkle updated, so the mission can progress if the player ignores the alternate target inbox message
- Исправлена небольшая кривобокость отображения миссий во вкладке транзакций /Missions in transactions tab are slightly misaligned fixed
- Теперь завершающее окно записок отображает точно переведённый текст / Complete tick box now displays with correct localised text
- Изменён размер окна завершения миссий ради правильной поддержки 2х линий текста / Resized mission complete box to support 2 lines of text properly
- Прекращено повторное отображение денежной выплаты, если к выплате вознаграждения причастно более двух фракций / Stop credit reward being shown twice when more than one faction is involved in rewards
- Обновлён пользовательский интерфейс ради отображения товарно-материальных наград в резюме миссии /UI updated to display commodity/material rewards in mission summary
- Если на миссионной точке интереса нельзя найти ровную площадку, создаётся новая точка в произвольном направлении, а не как ранее нигде / If a mission POI fails to find a flat spot, then create one in a random position rather than not at all
- В шаблонах пиратства и спасения убраны повторяющиеся значения агентов восстановления/пиратов. /Removed a duplicate value the recovery agents/piracy transaction panel in piracy and rescue templates
- Миссии на уничтожение - отделены цели из местных властей. Они были заменены на гражданских или активистов. /Massacre missions - stripped out the authority targets from the templates. These have been replaced with citizens, or activists
- Миссии на добычу настроены так, чтобы они не предлагали груз, аналогичный добытому игроком, в качестве награды / Set Mining missions so that they cannot offer the cargo that the player has mined as a reward
- Убедились в том, что значок миссии отображается в случае, когда целью миссии является планета без возможности посадки / Make sure the mission icon is displayed when mission target is a non landable planet
- Исправлены некоторые нестыковки между миссиями и доступным грузом в НИС /  Fixed some mismatches between missions and available cargo in USSs
- Обновлены пиратские и спасательные миссии - учитывают входящие сообщения, для предотвращения безостановочного спама в ящик в случаях, когда вы убили цель, но ещё не подобрали груз / Updated piracy and rescue missions to include an inbox state, to stop the constant inbox message spam when you kill the target and don't have the cargo yet
- Исключены системы с требующими разрешений планетами из генератора целей для миссий /  Exclude systems with permit locked planets from mission generation targets
- Входящие сообщения типа Принять/Отказаться теперь имеют кнопку Стереть в случаях, когда они более не актуальны / Accept/ decline inbox messages now have a discard button if they are no longer relevant
- Обновлены шаблоны миссий по Доставке, Сбору, Спасению (груза) и Контрабанды - чтобы более не посылать груз в места, где этот груз нелегален (в случае Контрабанды всё наоборот, в местах доставки он обязан быть нелегальным) / Updated Collect, Deliver, Salvage and Smuggle mission templates to no longer send cargo to a state where that cargo is illegal on new destination. (Opposite way round for smuggle, where it should always be illegal)
- Оптимизация загрузки экрана миссий / Mission screen loading optimisations
- Исправлена ошибка сервера транзакции при выдаче миссионных заметок / Fix a transaction server error when issuing mission tip offs
- Исправлена статистика добычи в случаях использования добытой руды для завершения миссий / Fix mining statistics when using mined ores to complete missions

У инженеров сплошь исправления текстов и полей :(


- Улучшено освещение и геометрия во всех ангарах у Инженеров / Improved lighting and geometry in all the Engineers hangars
- "Парящие" скалистые образования на базе инженера Фарсир Инк опущены на их основания /Engineer base Farseer Inc's floating rock formations dropped to seal gap
- Для микроресурсов и данных исправлены обрезанные элементы в информационной панели материалов /Truncated elements in the material information panel for micro-resources and data fixed
- При показе "настроек всплывающего окна" обеспечено то, что фокусируется первый элемент из способных к фокусировке / Made sure that the first focusable element is focussed on when showing the "adjust popup"
- Исправлено ведущее к перекрыванию текста нахождение выпадающей "сортировки Инженеров" под текстом "специальности Инженеров" & строкой "результатов поиска не найдено" / Engineers 'Sort' Drop Down is layered underneath Engineers 'Speciality' text & No Search Results String, leads to overlapping text fixed
- Исправлено влияние прокрутки колёсика мышки на другие функции окна инженеров /Mouse wheel scrolling in engineers window affect other functions fixed
- Исправлен баг в случаях невыпадения экспериментального эффекта, когда периодически пользовательский интерфейс отображал попадание в синюю зону  / Fixed bug where an experimental effect rolled a fail, but the UI would sometimes land on blue
- Исправлена зависимость некорректного отображения панели информации об Инженерах от того, как вы закрыли её в предыдущий раз /When opening the Engineers panel information may not be displayed correctly depending on how you closed the panel previously fixed
- Поправлено дрожание приколотого инженерного чертежа при выборе стоимости / Known engineers Pinned blueprint jitters when selecting cost fixed
- На дополнительной информационной панели запаса зашифрованных материалов включено обтекание текста /Text wrap enabled on encoded materials inventory further information panel
- Поле текста специальных эффектов отрегулировано так, чтобы учитывать две строки /Adjusted special effect text fields to account for 2 lines
- Скорректированы изменения текстовых полей модификаций, чтобы предотвратить усечение текста /Adjusted modification text fields to prevent truncating text
- Отцентровано положение всплывающего окна обрабатываемого модуля так, чтобы учитывать более широкую область текста/ Centre align the workshop module class popup to account for wider text area
- Предотвращено использование игроком скрытых кнопок в Мастерских инженеров /Prevent the player from using hidden buttons in Engineers Workshops
- Добавлены заголовки для опции фильтрации микроресурсов по типу и уровню /Added headers for type and grade microresource filter options
- Изменена фильтрация микроресурсов, теперь фильтр по типам и уровням не включает в себя, а показывает исключения / Changed microresource filtering so type and grade filters are exclusive rather than inclusive
- Добавлены схематические изображения иконок инженерных баз для польз. интерфейса /Added engineer base UI schematic icon images
- Fixed legal state display errors when changing starsystems and when trying to pay fines at an Engineer base
- Xbox One: Pass in current text when enabling soft keyboard on Engineers screen, and get a callback when the keyboard opens (where we would clear the text, if we could)


- Cut-off text present on Preparation Tasks on most powerplay factions when selecting a system under their Preparation Tab fixed
- Distance of system in turmoil truncated on the powerplay screen for factions with a deficit (negative cc) fixed
- Contacts - Red confirm button should be changed to grey because red is widely used where nothing can be done
- Preparation pledge to nominate popup cant be selected as focus on background menu fixed
- Opponents undermined statistic in the stats panel removed as it's redundant
- Changed 'age' label for Powerplay characters to 'Year of Birth'
- Incorrect scaling of control systems on Powerplay map, when map origin is a long way away fixed
- Fixed Powerplay stats and ratings tabs occasionally having extremely oversized vertical scroll areas


- Убедились, что кораблям полиции известно о произошедших преступных нападениях в случаях, когда исходное преступление случилось раньше, чем они были созданы, или достаточно близко / Make sure police ships are aware of assault crimes that are happening if the initial crime happened before they were spawned or near enough
- Переделали способ просчёт НПС-ми своего поведения во избежание "дуальности" /Rework how NPCs score their behaviour for interdictions to be less 'binary'
- Перебалансирована трудность перехвата, основанная на уровне умения ИИ пилота/ Rebalanced interdiction difficulty based on AI pilot skill
- Новое состояние прыжков-прочь "Прыжок Непрерываемый" у настроек НПС, упрыгивающих, когда их цель входит в зону прекращения огня / New jump away state "Jump Uninterruptible" to handle NPCs jumping away when their target enters a No Fire Zone
- ИИ игровых держав перестали перехватывать других ИИ игровых держав, принадлежащих той же мажорной фракции / Stop powerplay AI from interdicting other powerplay AIs which are aligned to the same major faction
- Исправлен урон от стыковки стыковочным компьютером/ Fixed docking Computer landing damage
- Теперь ИИ корабли правильно прицеливаются пусковыми типами оружия (миномётами и т.д.)/ AI ships now aim launcher weapons properly
- Сделали так, что автосборщик ИИ всегда выдаёт кораблю по крайней мере два оружия на неподвижной/карданной основе дабы избежать кораблей, полностью укомплектованных турелями, не имеющих возможность атаковать/  Ensure that the AI auto-loadout system always gives a ship at least two fixed/gimballed weapons, to avoid ships with all-turreted weapons not being able to attack
- Добавлен образец Охотник за пассажирами / Passenger hunter archetypes added


- Ensure single body exploration scans are awarded to all wing members
- Fix case where dropping to a wing beacon in a ring would leave the player at their current location rather than the beacon
- Propagate hostility between wing members when attacked - this should make ships in silent running show up to all members of the wing they are attacking
- Select wingman's target can now target systems that aren't in the nav panel
- Improve notifications between wing members when doing system or body exploration scans
- Only propagate wing hostility for player ships


- Adding in explosive damage for the destructibles in CQC/Arena
- Made the matchmaking lobby detect disconnects faster, this prevents the lobbies from getting stuck in a state for a few mins due to a disconnect
- Player Rank Shows Combat Rating instead of CQC Ranking while in CQC
- Fix an issue where the server was calculating a different amount of credits to reward than the client displayed
- If there are multiple winners in a deathmatch game and you are not one of them, display defeat instead of a list of the winners
- Fixed some clipped loadout text in localised languages
- 2 Digit ranks are truncated in the scoreboard menu fixed
- Since a CQCing player can't respond, don't send them text chat or voice invites
- Fixed missing Russian glyphs on CQC respawn menu
- Scale the mouse cursor for fov in the same way that usual UI movies do, which catches that one giant cursor case when zooming during death cam in CQC
- Xbox One: Fix an issue with mismatched teams in CQC
- Xbox One: Fix a case where a player A enters a CQC match against player B, when player B had previously been signed in on player A's console during this session


- Fix for the sensor zoom resetting when the game loses focus when the sensor zoom is bound to an axis
- Removed eject all cargo binding from all schemes by default
- In the keyboard and mouse control scheme add the arrow keys as secondary bindings to the UI-controls to allow navigation through the menus in the galaxymap
- Mouse cursor stuck on side of screen when in main menu fixed
- Now DualShock 4 controller keys are shown as Xbox360 icons, instead of []
- Don't bind XB360 pad's Back button to Cancel Binding, so more buttons are free for gameplay
- Removed all gamepad options from keyboard and mouse only schemes as they will prevent these schemes from showing up as a preset if you don't have a pad connected
- Fixed bug where info panel would not display correct controls after changing to new control scheme
- Get mouse-controlled headlook working in Hyperspace again
- Added device and vendor IDs for the xbox one wireless controller so it will be picked up as a gamepad in the game
- Added keybindings for fighter orders and for recalling the main ship while in the SRV
- Xbox One: When switching users, forget about disconnected controllers for the old user


- Two changes aimed at rebalancing Thermal Shock and similar heat-imparting weapons:
- Ships now gain resistance to heat weapons based on spare cooling capacity (when ships are cold they're more resistant).
- Having a heatsink actively charging diverts most heat from external heat attacks straight into the heatsink, granting 90% resistance to these effects for those few seconds.
These two changes combine well, as now heatsinks are much more able to cut through even extreme heat attacks, and then the newly cold ship is temporarily more resistant. Simply running a cold ship will also extend the time before external heat is able to cause damage by a larger proportion.
- Heat sink launchers now take substantially less damage from beaing overheated (down to a quarter of what it was), they are designed to be the defence against overheating after all.
- Shield resistance to heat-imparting attacks increased, and active shield will now block 50% of the effect of thermal shock weapons, up from 25%.
- Fix issues with mines and missiles sometimes failing to hit targets due to networking inconsistencies, most noticeable when driving into someone else mines at high speed
- Fix issue weapons switching to Fire at Will on supercruise transitions
- When modifying a weapon that fires in bursts, always ensure the clip size is rounded up to a multiple of the burst size. This will retroactively affect existing weapons and fixes cases of the Double Shot 3 slugshot having a 5 round clip
- Fix custom VFX scaling for weapons (scaling was affecting the particles rather than the emitter
- Mines should be affected by gravity
- Mines now have vfx for default, dirt and ice surfaces
- Point defence range has been increased slightly along with it's integrity
- Blast radius for Deep Cut Payload and Penetrator Munitions is now correctly 75% of what it would be for an external blast, rather than 0.75m
- Fix a bug where the penetration direction for a missile could be wrong depending on the exact detonation trigger
- Set the Penetration chance for torpedoes and dumbfire missiles to 1. This is not used with their normal damage mode, but guarantees penetration when the damage mode is switched
- Tweaked chance of burst laser malfunction when firing as it was observed to be too likely to happen given that each shot of the burst did the test, not each burst
- Point defences will no longer try to shoot down a ships' own dumbfire missiles


- We now preview ship kits and bobbleheads when we mouse over them
- Outfitting stats improvements:
- Adjusted stat priority so that CQC module stats no longer extend beyond the capacity of the GUI
- Added booster stats back in (CQC only)
- Show hidden stats in comparisons if the original stat isn't hidden
- Cleaned up code and resources to remove depreciated "Outfitting" stats
- Small optimisation to stop OutfittingItemInfo calculating stats unnecessarily
- Chance Modification symbol overlaps description fixed
- Vehicle bay in outfitting does not populate class indicator pip fixed
- Fixed cut off label in item descriptions
- Sort preference in Outfitting resets after being closed fixed
- Sort results ignores weapon filters fixed
- Changed slot size for planetary approach suite to 1 rather than 8 as the item itself is only size 1
- Changed "Set Fire Group Reminder" text to apply to modifying modules as well as buying them
- Modules tab pop-up backgrounds are translucent on first viewing fixed
- Class/Rating sort filter in outfitting now correctly sorts by class first, then rating
- After applying a livery item to you ship via mouse input - the UI will no longer focus to the slot under the mouse and cause a camera change away from the item you were applying
- Block the purchasing of more than one scanner of each type
- Still allow save files to have multiple scanners if they bought them previously
- Still allow selling of a third duplicate scanner, even if the remaining 2 would, strictly speaking, still be against the rules
- The sale price of a vehicle bay now takes its contents into account
- Fix module buy back becoming hidden when swapping modules


- Award exploration progress when creating vouchers for scannable settlements & points of interest
- Scannable vouchers now scale by the distance from Sol
- Allow objects to be spawned in response to cargo being scooped
- Added some new conditions for the poi buckets:
- Planet volcanism strength
- Planet volcanism type
- Primary star type
- Required star type
- A warning message is now displayed when leaving a conflict zone
- Added scenario for Elite Plus gameplay
- Added military patrol scenarios
- Rebalance for fixed scenario AI set up, specifically for Nav Beacons and RES sites
- Added in new ship types and slightly tweaked down the difficulty of the more extreme set ups
- Skimmers can now be spawned in waves
- Increased pool of Federation and Empire capital ship names
- Added a Cruise Liner scenario for Boom system states
- Stop ambient police ships spawning where there shouldn't be any security response
- POIs can now contain landed ships
- Modules on damaged capital ships can now be shot and broken just like their more intact counterparts


- Fixed space settlements not appearing on clients without horizons/planet landing capabilities
- Improved snap to ground mechanism

Galactic Simulation

- Fixed some economic states ending too early for factions
- Fixed the faction retreat state so that it only tries to cancel pending conflicts in the system it's retreating from, not all conflicts everywhere
- Stopped factions expanding into starsystems that can't be travelled to or are immune to conflicts
- Fixed some market & shipyard price overrides not correctly ignoring expired modifiers

Общественные цели /Community Goals

- Добавлена поддержка для Общественных целей с пожертвованием материалов /Added support for Material donation Community Goals
- Исправлена ошибка сервера транзакций при погашении вознаграждения за О. Цель / Fixed a transaction server error when redeeming CG rewards
- Исправлены конфликты слишком раннего завершения Общ. Цели / Fixed Community Goal conflicts ending half a day too early
- Прекращено заполнение таблицы достижений у командиров, подписавшихся, но ещё не внёсших свой вклад / Stopped CG leaderboards being padded out with Commanders who've signed up but not yet contributed

Galaxy Map

- Avoid "route unavailable" cases in low density areas, when the route looks like it should be available
- Fix an issue with being unable to search for systems in "Lupus Dark Region B Sector"
- When searching for a star, try to find a star with the exact searched name first before starting the partial matching, fixes the issue of "BLU THUA QY-Z D1" returning "BLU THUA QY-Z D13-0" as the first match
- Improvements to "economical" route plotting times in high density areas of the galaxy. Cap the jump range used by JumpRouteFinder, so at each system we only consider jumping to nearby systems for the route, rather than every system within jump range
- If the jump range is low, don't try to cut down the number of systems considered for fastest route plotting in high density areas
- If the player unticks the current plotting mode, don't re-tick it when next opening the galaxy map
- Fix an issue with long jump distances and route plotting
- System map performance optimisation for VR
- Optimisations for the route planner
- Fix a stall at the end of plotting a route
- When using the Fastest route plotter in high density areas of the galaxy, reduce the cost that is calculated for the final jump to the target system. This allows the route plotter to return a route much sooner rather than spending minutes investigating potential small fuel savings
- The option to turn off Nebula Names only works at a distance fixed
- Trade route filters can once again be toggled on/off en-mass by holding LMB and dragging over them
- Switched buttons around so action button is now on the right of the cancel button with bookmark dialog windows
- When system names are too long, try and trim them in a sensible manner
- System Map - Lumpy planets now get their own models in the system map overview instead of using the smooth sphere model
- Slightly sped up the double sided lighting change when first entering the planet map
- Fix an issue where planets with a retrograde spin would not have their rotation speed or axial tilt displayed in the system map
- System map planets now use subsurface scattering colouring
- Added galaxy map overrides for population and economy
- Only display a conflict state on the galaxy map if the Faction controlling that system is also fighting in that system


- Improvements to stopping the SRV falling into planet / getting stuck in geometry when loading the game
- Improved wave scanner readability when SRV full beams are on at night, on a planet with a bright surface colour
- Use correct bone when calculating the scoop UI in the SRV
- SRVs now trigger docking offences when loitering on landing pads
- B button on SRV cockpit GUI panels engages vertical thruster fixed
- Enabled warning after buying a SRV hangar without bays
- If the player logs in while in a buggy and their ship is landed, the ships landing gear will now be extended placing them in the same state they were in when the player launched the buggy, this should help with the buggy getting stuck under ships if the player logs out under their ship
- Fixed ships crashing into the ground/destroyed when recalled by SRV
- Reduce the maximum number of signal traces on the wavescanner now that we have more extreme cases
- Optimise the wavescanner to better handle multiple signal sources
- Death in a SRV with a mother ship in orbit now re-spawns the mother ship in orbit, not on the planet
- Prevent SRV's getting stuck partially retrieved if another buggy is in the same island with their mother ship
- Minor update to SRV preview to prevent the turret and the chair from shaking
- Made the inertial camera simulation use the mode AccelerationSpring when using trackIR in the buggy, the same as without TrackIR. This fixes the camera twitching when using TrackIR in a buggy


- The discovery scanner can no longer be used while self destructing
- Flight Landing Overrides conflicts with Targeting, Cooling, Weapons etc. fixed
- Fixed where there was no space after ASSIST OFF warning
- Ships will now try to align to the target destination during the hyperspace countdown
- Wear should now apply and repair properly
- Fix an issue with the calculation for the offset of the station schematic
- Prevent "Drives Offline: Zero Thrust Capability" message showing spuriously (while engines are not on, but are booting)
- Fix paintjob wear & tear and ship integrity recording

Ship Art

- Fix for all Lakon ships that have cockpit textures which bloom out and cause visibility issues with the GUI around stars/ brightly lit environments
- Fixed smoothing on Imperial Courier
- Fixed collision issue on landing in Diamondback
- Changed Imperial Cutter /Imperial Clipper target schematics for a proper one
- Cockpit version of external material renders under cockpit emissive elements fixed
- Fixed hitcheck issues with Federal Gunship
- Fixed Hitcheck on Orca so that you can retrieve cargo
- Moved bobblehead bones backwards to stop interference with GUI compass in the Adder
- Fixed gap in mesh for Cobra MkIII
- Adjusted camera position for Decal 1 on the Eagle
- Hitcheck adjustment for greater hardpoint clearance for the Keelback
- Moved hardpoints slightly and fixed some smoothing issues on the Cutter
- Created a new front landing gear animation to avoid intersection with the SRV bay on the Keelback
- Fixed hanger camera issue for front decal on the Imperial Eagle
- Fixed landing volume for Orca
- Fixed landing volume for Diamondback Explorer
- Fixed landing volume for Imperial Cutter
- Fixed landing volume for Viper MkIV
- Removed scaling on the warning panel to fix issue on the Imperial Eagle
- Fixed front landing gear intersection with the Cutter


- Advertising boards in hangars updated with more companies
- Landing pad hologram colours adjusted to better suit new interior variations
- Fixed other player's ships appearing to be outside of the station when they are docked
- Increased variety for adverts outside starports controlled by various local factors such as alliegence
- Rich and High Tech stations now use the alternative trucks and buses models on the roads
- Hide the station's navigation marker while within the station's bounding sphere
- Fix the stations attached modules not showing up in the station schematic
- Fix overbright envmaps being generated in rich stations and potentially other places in the game
- Rebalanced lighting in rich interiors
- The glowing emissive texture on the floodlights for Standard, Rich and ZeroG landing pads now switches on/off in sync with the spotlights
- Re-colour the crane texture used for the main gantries in the Inner Dock for variety: Agri is off-white, High-Tech red and Services a cleaned-up blue
- Fixed some flimmering lines on the back wall of the small rich hangar
- Fixed hitcheck for the trees in the rich stations
- It is no longer possible to supercruise into the back of a station and prang off it if you approach from exactly behind it
- Reworked a road junction on the PlanetPort so that it joins better
- Added a warning if trying to launch from a port without a planetary approach suite

Celestial Objects

- Fix cases of "dropping too close" when leaving rings from normal space into supercruise. You are now able to maintain cruise inside a ring, so long as you are outside of it's core and heading away from the ring's plane
- Improve drop-out location for entering rings in other situations, players will generally drop out closer to the ring and their target
- Improved method for blending distant bump maps for the terrain
- Ice surface material improvements
- Rocky surface material improvements
- Metal surface material improvements
- Updated planet surface wang tiles
- Reworked the ice asteroid shader's lighting, and improved its parameter
- White Dwarf stars now have a unique lens flare
- Fix surface material quality being incorrect when rendering some patches
- Prevent distant surface maps jumping when camera crosses 16km boundaries, and improve precision of the largest maps
- Fix ring fog from being being lit in black hole systems
- tweaked the way ring fog interacts with local star colour so that it blends better with the star lighting
- Increased the maximum value for depth obtained from the depth buffer linearization. Fixes rendering for extremely large stars at extreme distances
- Improved the visibility of planet dust particles when in the darkside of the planet
- Terrain minor UV fixes
- Asteroids now generate only within the bounds of rings
- Asteroid billboards have their positions and size adjusted accordingly to ensure they fit within thin rings
- Ring cells now obey the ring height correctly rather than assuming all rings want 5km of asteroids
- Ring height clamped to a minimum of 1km
- Re-written asteroid billboard placement to use better depth ranges
- Re-written asteroid billboard mesh generation, lods are finally now coherent with one another
- Added randomised static rotation to asteroid billboards to break up visible repeating
- Fixed some obvious patterns on rock and metal planetary surfaces
- Stop lens flares getting disabled when entering supercruise
- Changed the planet dust colour system to only request data if we're actually close enough to a planet to see any dust
- Fix fast moving distant Horizons planets not orbiting smoothly
- Optimise physics surface patch generation
- Improved memory management for surface textures
- Alterations to europa line parameters on rocky ice worlds - stops physics-breaking patches
- Have a hard cap in the noise graph for max geometry height, to prevent planets you can fly through or from being able to drive into space
- Remove the artificial increase in star spin speeds
- Added a medium quality planet surface material setting, with performance roughly halfway between low & high
- Disable Wang tiling and detail textures at a distance of 1km on Xbox and mid/low-quality PC. This helps us afford Wang tiling in the worst cases (hovering a few hundred metres above the planet
- Xbox One: Improvements to planetary surfaces
- Xbox One: Fix star luminosity not being the same as PC/Mac


- Fixed sorting of emmisve textures bleeding through opaque surfaces
- Decal rendering improvements/optimisations
- Xbox One: Fixed the SSAO command


- Arriving at a star now correctly leaves you in line with the source and destination systems, rather than the previous not-well-defined behaviour
- It is no longer possible to travel through or end up inside another star if you hypespace into a multi-star system. If an intervening star is detected your hyperspace will be redirected onto that star. This process repeats if the new path is also obstructed. Note that you can still end up dangerously close to other stars and get more than a little cooked
- When hyperspacing to a star with jet cones, avoid potential danger regions at the poles
- Ship aligns and follows target star through hyperspace tunnel
- Made elements of the hyperspace tunnel persist across boundaries
- Made the hyperspace tunnel go faster
- Optimisations to the hyperspace tunnel
- Texture and particle improvements to hyperspace tunnel
- Reduction of GUI contributed stalls to hyperspace entry/exit
- Fix for hyperspace nebula streaming in at low-mip at the start of the hyperspace jump
- Stop the shadow settings changing when starting the FSD charge for hyperspace/supercruise

Генератор небесных тел StellarForge

- Добавлены планеты: (см. названия) / Added Persephone (Planet Nine), Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Orcus, 2002 MS4, Salacia, Quaoar, 2007 OR10 and Sedna to Sol
- Eol Prou RS-T D3-94 переименована в Colonia / Renamed Eol Prou RS-T D3-94 to Colonia
- Добавлен космопорт в Eol Prou LW-L C8-76 A 3 A / Added starport to Eol Prou LW-L C8-76 A 3 A
- Добавлен форпост в (Outpost added to ) Eol Prou LW-L c8-138 1
- Добавлен форпост в (Outpost added to ) Eol Prou YD-W B17-1 4
- Добавлен форпост в (Outpost added to ) Eol Prou YD-W B17-5 A 5
- Добавлен форпост в (Outpost added to ) Eol Prou Lw-L C8-28 A 1 a
- Добавлен форпост в (Outpost added to ) Eol Prou Lw-L C8-306 A 4 a
- Добавлен форпост в (Outpost added to ) Eol Prou VY-R d4-443 6
- Добавлен форпост в (Outpost added to ) Eol Prou LW-L C8-133 2
- Поправлено дублирование имени системы у EES2009 Persei (has duplicate system names fixed)
- Дублирующая система Frey переименована в Yngvi-Freyr /Renamed duplicate Frey system to Yngvi-Freyr
- Дублирующая система Grafias переименована в SO4-H1E 2000 /Duplicate system name Grafias renamed to SO4-H1E 2000
- Проверка скоростей вращения нейтронных звёзд и чёрных дыр до разумных пределов / Check spin rates for neutron stars and black holes are something more sensible
- Исправлены проблемы с близко расположенными телами с большим эксцентриситетом, пересекающих их "родную" звезду /Fix issues with close orbiting bodies with large eccentricities intersecting their parent star
- Исправлена проблема при генерации системы, когда сильно вытянутая орбита выходит за пределы сферы Хилла его родительской звезды; теперь мы уменьшили эксцентриситет, чтобы подогнать под сферу Хилла /Fix an issue when generating a system when a highly eccentric orbit goes outside the hillsphere of its parent, we will now reduce the eccentricity to fit inside the hillsphere
- При проверке пересечения колец-лун необходимо учитывать любые объекты, обращающиеся вокруг луны так, чтобы они не пересекались ни в одной точке их орбит / When checking for moon-ring intersection, need to account for any objects orbiting the moon so that they don't intersect at any point in their orbit
- Кольцо вокруг Archerbas в системе Carthage более не пересекает планету /Ring around Archerbas in the Carthage system no longer intersects the planet
- Переименована экзопланета в системе Ross 444 в Hutton Prime /Renamed exoplanet in the Ross 444 system to Hutton Prime
- Col 285 Sector HX-X B16-4 переименован в (renamed to ) Exton
- Восстановлено имя станции Жака / Jaques station name restored
- Сделали Туманность Плеяд синей / Made the Pleiades Nebula blue
- Теоретически исправлено периодическое исчезание станций/ систем из дважды сгенерированных систем /Speculative fix for intermittently disappearing stations/systems in overriden generated systems


- Все дроны более не уничтожаются при уходе одного игрока из инстанса /All Limpets are no longer killed when one player leaves the instance
- Ненацеленные дроны-сборщики не собирают контейнеры, принадлежащие их игроку / Untargetted collector limpets will not target items owned by their player
- Настроены пороги, показывающие Низкий/Средний/Высокий уровень содержания материалов в астероиде при использовании дрона-изыскателя. Пороги ранее были слишком высокими, и он всегда показывал Низкий. Теперь данные более содержательны:  все (прим. типы) колец могут показывать как Низкий, так и Средний в астероиде, а Каменные и С высоким содержанием металла - Высокий /Tweak the thresholds for displaying Low / Medium / High material asteroid content when using a prospector limpet. The thresholds were previously way too high so it always showed Low. Now the information is more meaningful: all rings can show either Low or Medium for an asteroid, and Rocky and MetalRich rings can also show High


- Fix some issues with matchmaking disconnections
- Fix a transaction server error during resurrection
- Improve reliability when selling lots of exploration data
- Fix clearing saves with a lot of exploration data
- If an island update happens and the new location is in a system that is not ready, then ignore it
- Fix for cargo scooping bug, only update the server when we have authority over the cargo canister being destroyed
- Generate new ID when ejecting cargo from a ship. This should fix some cargo duplication errors
- Some network replication optimisations
- Various server performance and reliability improvements


- Добавлен вид Учёного/ Added scientist outfits
- Добавлен вид  Гуманитарного (социального) работника /Added aid worker outfit
- Добавлен вид Охранника и Военный вариант/ Added security outfit and military variant
- Добавлен вид борца за свободу / Added freedom fighter outfit
- Добавлен вид беженца / Added refugee outfit
- Добавлен вид Врача / Added doctor outfit
- Добавлен вид Туриста / Added tourist outfits
- Добавлена возможность задавать разные портретные настройки для посадки пассажиров на борт (разный фон, убранный багаж) /Added option to set different portrait settings for passengers once on board ship (different background, remove baggage)
- Перебалансированы все палитры видов для миссионных контактов / Rebalanced all outfit palettes for mission contacts
- Перебалансирован цвет волос / Rebalanced hair colours
- Перебалансировано освещение в обстановке портретных аватаров / Rebalanced lighting in avatar portrait scene
- Перешли на использование новых шейдеров волос с заказанным смещением цветовой модели & поддержкой Ambient Occlusion  и картами смещения цветовой схемы / Switched over to using new hair shader with bespoke HSV shifts & AO support and HSV offset maps.
- Добавлены новые цвета мужских и женских волос в качестве тестов новой технологии визуализации / Added new male and female hair styles as tests for new rendering technique
- Обновлены существующие стили волос с помощью деколя, для смешения с волосистой частью головы /Updated existing hair styles with decal to blend into scalp
- Добавлена опция соответствия цвета бороды и волос /Added option to match hair and beard colour
- Для глаз аватара добавлена пользовательская карта обстановки перед камерой (прим. ???)/ Added custom camera-facing environment map for avatar eyes
- Добавлены 8 новых вариантов костюма для команды НПС /Added 8 new pilot suit variants for NPC crew
- Предзагрузка аватар миссионных контактов вперёд доски объявлений для уменьшения задержек / Preload mission contact avatars ahead of the mission board to reduce delays
- Теперь мы кэшируем иконы портретов инженеров / We now cache engineer portrait icons
- Для уменьшения времени создания более чем на 50% реорганизованы источники аватаров /Reorganised avatar resources to reduce portrait generation times by up to 50%
- Добавлены специальные фоны для команды НПС /Added NPC crew specific backgrounds
- Добавлены фоны кают пассажиров /Added passenger cabin backgrounds

Прочее (Audio и VR


- Updated to LibOVR 1.4
- Added new (and improved!) VR graphics presets as faster cards can handle the bump.
- VR Low (unchanged from current VR Low)
- VR Medium (is currently ‘VR High’)
- VR High (Mid preset with x1.25 supersampling) VR Ultra (High with medium shadows and medium Terrain Sampler)
- Added backgrounds to textual elements on menu and option screens. Greatly improves readability in VR
- Draw the Mouse Control UI as far away as we draw other gunsights in VR
- Cannot see Tail Ship kits on Vulture in Outfitting due to camera angle in VR fixed
- Cannot see Spoiler/Wing Shipkits in Outfitting on Asp due to camera angle in VR fixed
- Fix the missing text on the wall in the VAR Main Menu hangar if you look behind you
- Fix for mouse cursor size when HMD is present
- Memory optimisations for Oculus


Audio Specific Features

- 5 new flight controllers
- 4 new settlement security voices
- The laser-beam part of beam/mining lasers now emit sounds (previously just the weapon did)
- Sounds for GUI radar transition from spacedar to landar and vice versa

Mix Improvements

- Improved sonic consistency across all ship voice lines (previously a few sounded different)
- Improved various rough transitions (between galaxy map, system map, main game etc)
- Improved the ship purchase screen sounds
- Some small mining tweaks/improvements
- Volume fix for SRV shield drop and reform
- Boosting Flight Controllers and Radio Chatter by small amount
- Tweaks to Solar Satellite mix

Technical Audio changes

- Better integration of ship voice and npc comms (tutorial, npc crews, flight control) systems and future proofing
- Improved the way non-player voice content in managed in game. Improved prioritisations, de-clutters the mix, and future-proofing.
- Improved memory management, and reduces chance of missing audio happening.
- Improvements to the way FSD soundbanks are managed, to target problems with missing FSD charge and hyperspace tunnel sounds.

Audio Bug Fixes

- Fixed module bootup start/complete/charge sometimes occurring in the wrong place
- Fix for impact sound spam when more than 4 beams hit the target.
- Fixed broken solar satellite audio
- Fix for multiple back sounds when backing out of certain menus using a joypad
- Fixed wing notification sound not triggering when the panel is not in focus.
- Fixed planetary music not playing when approaching from supercruise
- Changes to debris system that should improve issues with missing audio
- Voice - Fixed ability to make it flood/spam the player with Request/Cancel docking flight controller messages
- Voice - Fix low gravity warning incorrectly triggering when spawning in SRV on engineer base
- Voice - SRV boarding permission granted voice line now linked to GUI message. Fixes some issues where it wasn't always playing.
- Voice - Fix for some ship voice lines playing after player dies and respawns
- Voice - Fix "Cargo Scoop Retracted" playing upon entering a ship from a buggy with an open cargo scoop
- Voice - Prevent Flight Assist On voice event playing in death sequence

Обновление Бета 2.2, в основном поправки

Update beta 2.2

Fixed a crash when trying to get a name from a non-existent system
Make sure the station generation system uses the "old" metadata when in the orphaned station section of the code - Stops server/client crashing by using updated metadata
Fixed crash that often occurs when self-destructing an SRV - but could conceivable occur during initialisation of any new ship
Fixed a crash during transition states is a valid ship isn’t available
Fixed crash exiting CQC
Fixed a crash trying to create an NPC pilot in an invalid vehicle
Prevent an invalid update query on updating time spent in ships when we don't know the commander's current ship type
Fixed livery errors with Taipan fighter
Added fighter bays to Jameson Memorial and Dalton Gateway
Reduced FSD boost from jet cones to 25% (This will be subject to further balancing!)
Capacity for Passenger Cabin Size 5 Class 4 has changed from 6 to 8
Jet cone visual bug when viewed through buggy turret fixed
Fixed broken shadow on SRV
Prevent module storage until it’s working
Fixed spurious warning when fitting a fighter hangar
Only show VR tutorial in challenges list if VR is supported on this platform

Отредактировано Мурёна (28-09-2016 18:11:28)



Многа Букв!



Задания от ФД для тех, кто делает и отписывается на оф.форум о проводимых бета-тестах:
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthrea … g-Requests



Со слов Дэши в Nagii окружение не изменилось - точки добычи и прочее



Если у кого какие вопросы - пишите, не стесняйтесь, а также заваливайтесь на стрим, во 2 половине дня.
Фанюсь с нейтронкой.

Отредактировано Siverko (21-09-2016 10:18:10)



Топик здох, но я нет, бета 4 подвезется уже скоро, а я сюда кидаю ссылочку и попробую почитать чейнджлог.
Помимо общей стабилизации клиента и прочих мелких ништяках (типа скорость всем мелким истребителям подняли, вместе с уроном), идет переработка термальных эффектов оружия. 
Важные фиксы.
1. Подвезли кнопку для ECM.
2. Ребаланс термального оружия. (кстати друг в основной игре поставил 1 бим термал шока, и он ооочень даже не плохо греет корабль, а сейчас его и усилили). Однако нанесения урона от термального шока или каскада не предвидится, ибо остановится на 95%. Грац.

ECM работает на ура, поинт дефенсы не нужны, надо что-то с ними делать. Ракеты, после применения контрмеры, летят по случайно круговой траектории, наподобие пакхаундов Ли-Юнг-Руи.
Ну и нагрева выше 100% от вражеского оружия не происходит, и вообще странно, тепер перегреть корабль больше 100% стало очень трудно. Что не совсем правильно.

Отредактировано Siverko (28-09-2016 20:45:48)



Сегодня стартовала Бета 5. Опять очень много исправлений.
Выкладываю на языке оригинала, чтобы не искать впоследствии, что на беглый взгляд видно интересного - переведено над спойлером (не у всех разделов):

Базовая Бета 2.2 - Обновление 5
журнал изменений

Stability Fixes:

- Fix a crash if a planet made completely out of gas cannot hold onto its own gas and so has no mass
- AI fighters can validly spawn as independent ships, not linked to any parent ship, so cope with this case in Fighter Stow
- Fix a crash when a POI tries to spawn the same time the player is disconnected
- Fixed a crash in the role switch panel
- Fix vehicle switching crashes in the SRV tutorial
- Mark a persistent POI as invalid if it fails to find a position for its first attempt, this fixes a crash that it causes on some planets
- Fixed an error with an audio emitter
- Fixed an error with a mysterious thing in the contacts panel
- Fix for an assert failure when loading game into a fighter and using the role switch panel
- Fixed crash when shooting Skimmers due to them not having a vessel ownership
- Fixed soft lock when backing out of launchable livery
- Fixed soft lock when selecting a cabin from your inventory tab
- Added some sanity checking to cargo transfer so we don't try to move from non-existent inventories
- Fix an assert caused by damage being moved between a ship and its modules causing it to lose the original machine the damage came from
- Fixed soft lock in outfitting when the user has the livery vessel selection dialog is open, but then instead selects an outfitting group from the left
- Removed crash telemetry if entering a location takes more than 2 minutes
- Fixed outfitting crash when previewing a fighter while docked at a planet port

General Fixes & Tweaks

- Starport UI: displaying station economy instead of system economy in main screen and commodities market UI
- Fixed issue where CQC stats screen would not update
- Fix an issue where if you disconnect on the match summary of rewards screen in CQC the player character isn't cleared when going back to the main menu
- Fixed commander name on remote clients incorrectly identifying which vessel a player is actually controlling when entering a location
- Fixed bug where wrong icons would be displayed in info panel when being damaged by an engineered weapon
- Water Giant hologram GUI animation issue fixed
- Fix deco layers not showing on abandoned settlements
- Improved clarity when large info panel messages overlap existing log messages
- Cleaned up some of the messaging being used when jumping to a system. We now only show the abort message when the destination is potentially dangerous (currently, when in anarchy)
- By popular request - added the destination star's class type to the info panel message upon initiating a jump
- Fixed the positioning of POI and player markers on the planet map
- Low resolution artefacts on mysterious thing's lens flare fixed
- Removed black bar from station services wait banner
- Avatars with a certain eye blend shape were looking as if their eyes were closed in certain poses fixed
- Audio: The ship voice system now distinguishes between fighter, mothership and srv
- Audio: Delayed the pre-hyperspace exit swell, to restore synchronisation on exit
- Audio: Fix for strange volume changes when entering the main game and on FSD jumps
- Various text fixes


- Fixed headlights on the fighters
- Dust layer on Independent Fighter is green, fixed it to dark grey
- Fighters can no longer use boost while they are still attached to the launch ramp
- Fixed Imperial Fighter hitspheres so weapons can be damaged
- Fed Fighter 100% damage paint issue fixed
- Fighters can no longer kill ships inside starports without being shot by the station when mothership is far away
- Fighters will no longer retract their hardpoints when the AI is asked to dock them, stopping the error where a player asked the AI to dock then swaps to the fighter and has no hard points
- Balance displayed in the Crew Lounge is incorrect and does not update on purchasing a pilot fixed
- NPC experience always shows as 50% when they're in the main ship fixed
- Removed the life support, self destruct and reboot options from the fighter
- Fighters destroyed by the mothership jumping away shouldn't count as player kills
- Fixed rendering bug causing text to overlap buttons on the role panel orders
- Fixed issue with right panel in crew lounge not showing data after loading
- The little fighter HUD no longer overlaps the target panel. It now has its own home near your ship's schematic
- Healing lasers now work on fighters
- Moved the 'Request Docking' from fighter bay to helm
- Stop fighters being able to operate beyond 30KM range if you switch to the Mothership at the last second before the SLF explodes
- Stop AI crew members leaving turret mode of mothership on "Fire at will"
- Vessel Status UI (cockpit): display the correct fighter variant name
- Fixed overlapping text on Role panel orders menu
- Fixed hit markers on the ship schematics in the cockpit being the wrong size and appearing in the wrong position for fighters
- Reduced the severity of a few info messages when changing fighter orders. Now uses a small 'log' message type, rather than the big flashy one
- Only show "No active crew" warning when a hangar module is present
- Unable to terminate crew without horizons
- Crew total payment not updating immediately fixed
- Created binding for opening the orders page (RB+B)
- Reactivate the engineer button when switching back from a fighter
- Allow the Orders GUI to move selection to the top of the list to navigate quickly to the bottom order
- Added the available stats to the fighter details page in the role switch panel
- Role Switch panel flashes, and doesn't let player click on slots and order commands fixed
- Fighters under AI Crew control now use the AI friendly fire rules
- Can no longer select ship description text in fighters tab of role panel
- You are able to purchase a SRV or Fighter that you already currently own into the same slot fixed
- Audio: Small changes to ATC. The ATC will not look at what the fighter is doing but instead at the mothership. Calls to the mothership will be forwarded to the player in the fighter
- Audio: Hooked up missile incoming warning on NPC Crews
- Audio: Fixed a bug within the role switch panel, where switching panel items did not send the stop event of the fighter construction
- Audio: Fixed a bug with the role switch fighter construction
- Audio: Fix for crew lines being audible in pause menu
- Audio: Fix for Fighter 'other' sounds stopping abruptly when docking at speed
- Audio: Fix for fighter bay animations sometimes not being heard
- Audio: Fix missing gimbaled fighter beam weapon sounds
- Audio: Added SFX for inflight fighter construction
- Audio: Mix tweaks on fighter docking
- Audio: Mix tweak to Crew lounge sounds
- Audio: Setting Crew comms to be controlled by the "non-player voice communication" volume slider in the options menu
- Audio: Added friendly fire behaviour to the Npc Crew voices
- Audio: Fixed isues with fighter boost caused by flight model changes
- Audio: Fix for the loud boost charge up on Taipan

Отбалансированы цены на миссии, репутаця, влияние, статус; добавлены варианты пассажирских модулей, добавлены награды за преодоление доппрепятствий, изменён подход к задаче не быть отсканированным в миссиях, поправки в уровень довольства пассажиров в зависимости от разных случайностей на корабле (тонкая, однако, штука - ублажать капризничающих :D ), исправления


- Added new passenger modules for various sizes and tweaked capacity numbers for all of them as well
- Balance pass on passenger mission rewards
- Balance pass on passenger mission reputation, influence, and state changes
- Add the bonus money for wrinkles into an inbox - so that players know there is a bonus for them if they do the wrinkle
- Removed explorers from the bulk passenger template
- Changed the scan wrinkle for long distance tourist missions to give a bonus for not getting scanned, rather than taking money away if you do get scanned
- Passenger sightseeing mission was blocked from being handed in by inbox request for items fixed
- Don't fail a mission if a fighter is destroyed
- Reduced jump distances for visit tourist locations in passenger VIP missions
- Corrected which VIPs get the wrinkles that they should have
- Remove assert when we try to parse a passenger contract without a passenger cabin container (i.e. in an SRV)
- Stuck in the cabin section of inventory tab in the right panel when you switch to a different ship with a cabin selected fixed
- Changing the POW passengers to appear as security guards to match the text of the mission
- When you abandon a mission and the passengers eject themselves, the message you receive does not actually appear in your inbox fixed
- Allows the player to hand in the cargo without the cargo. Should the player dock at the final station without the cargo, the passengers will get mildy annoyed - preventing the player from exploiting the goods demanded wrinkle
- Ship hull damage while in an SRV or Fighter does not effect passenger happiness state fixed
- Fixed passenger satisfaction decreasing when SRV is damaged
- Body location is now shown on long distance expeditions
- Tourist beacon wrinkle will no longer spawn twice with passenger vip wrinkles
- Tell mission listeners when progression is blocked so they don't try to trigger mission progression during location changes
- Fix the transaction panel to show goods demanded at correct times
- Manifest scanner returning incorrect results from passenger vessels fixed
- No inbox message appears when scanning a Nav Beacon during a Passenger VIP mission fixed
- Long distance expedition missions are not displaying body location of the tourist beacon in the transactions fixed
- Fixed detection of planetary tourist sites
- Audio: Fixed click in loop on Tourist beacon
- Audio: Fixed a very loud tourist beacon

Изменены шаблон и текст, чтобы показывать названия обеих фракций; показывается фракция-цель при взятии миссии


- Remove meta data that makes invalid settlements a target for skimmer massacre missions
- Template and text changes to show both factions involved in a mission
- Target faction for missions now shown on the mission board when you accept the mission

Ведущие корабль неписи из команды при следовании за игроком теперь используют форсаж; перебаласировки в настройках перехвата НПС


- AI interdictions, only apply the system's security modifier when considering whether we are too strong to interdict the target, not too weak
- Some slight balance changes for AI difficulty/rank spawn numbers, as well as dropping the rank range that AI can interdict at by one for all non-wing AI
- NPC crewed ships now use boost when following player
- Slight balance pass on the Authority ship friendly fire aggro multiplier, we don't want it to be too high, so it's now the same as the Friendly multiplier. Also made sure that the AccidentalDamage dialog is a bit more common
- Ensure low ranked AI ships reset their pips

Ура! Добавлена перевозка модулей! Владельцы Горизонтов теперь могут видеть все свои корабли в Верфи, находясь в обычной версии Элиты


- Module transfers with delivery times added
- Fix overflow values for very expensive ship transfers
- Fixed bug where paintjobs and items would persist when using breadcrumbs to navigate out the menu
- Added icon for the main ship when selecting a vessel in the outfitting
- Updated vessel selection screen in the outfitting to use new cleaner ship icons
- Allow a non-horizons player to view their horizons ships if they already own them (because they own horizons on another platform)
- When selling a ship of no value, we now show its value as "0 CR", rather than "FREE"
- Shipyard UI sell confirmation popup : replacing "current ship" heading by "ship", and displaying sold ship name instead of current ship
- Don't allow more ships to be transported to a station than the local storage allows
- When populating vehicle list, making sure "selectable" flag is set (based upon purchaseAllowed state) so that the button behaves properly
- Fighter icon on SRV bay fixed
- Stat comparison screen remains during weapon swap fixed

Добавлена потерявшаяся станция спонсоров Samphire's Solace, уменьшено звучание некоторых действий, оптимизирована база инженера Немо


- Added missing backer station 'Samphire's Solace'
- Added agricultural customisations to Harvestport in Kappa Fornacis
- Fix Station Services availability to cope when services aren't present at all instead of falling through to 'market not found'
- Starport UI: pressing B / exit button in Cartography section of startport UI doesn't exit back to the cockpit and just goes back to home screen as expected
- Fixed one spot light bone being offset in the Foundry station
- Fix to allow the inner dock faction light overrides to work again with the new station customisation system
- Art optimisations for the Nemo Cyber Party Base
- Fixed missing textures on holoscreens
- Fixed VO not matching polity for ATC and announcements
- Fixed some floating industrial planet settlements
- Audio: Fixed loud ambience in station menu when buying/transfering/storing a ship
- Audio: Fixed loud passenger and crew lounge ambiences

Поздравим владельцев Тип 7 (увеличена прочность/toughness и размер внутренних отсеков) и Килбэк-а (отсек размера 3 стал 4, увеличена броня, щиты и рейтинг брони), перемещёна вниз зона причаливания/docking bone  у Белуги; повышена полезность интерфейса при прилунении на скорости - введён алгоритм проверки (Поверхность-Скорость-Положение важнее чем Скорость-Поверхность-Положение).


- Rebalanced Type 7 ship to have better toughness and larger internal module slots
- Fixed incorrect Type 6 armour hardness values
- Increased armour, shields and hardness (armour rating) base stats for the Keelback. Increased a single size 3 slot on it to a size 4 slot as well
- The heading gauge now displays during orbital cruise
- Moved the docking bone on the Beluga down to help with docking issues on planetary ports
- Set asp (and asp scout) landing gear door to be open or closed when initialising to up to down
- Diamondback Explorer cockpit handles in wrong place fixed
- Moved Mini panel placement (and tweaked radar position slightly)
- Fix for docking computer crashing into Farseer tower when coming in to land
- Vulture ship kit parts have a lot of wear & tear on them when purchased brand new fixed
- Landing gear can get stuck on if you have recently had an SRV destroyed and then launch from the planet fixed
- While trying to land on a planet - the landing UI will now check against Terrain->Speed->Alignment rather than Speed->Terrain-Alignment. This should make the UI a little more helpful in the majority of situations where the terrain is unsuitable, rather than you moving too fast
- Audio: Only play the hull damaged line if hull has taken damage
- Audio: Mix tweaks on Keelback on full speed acceleration
- Audio: Fixed audio error when turning Thrusters on/off in Taipan
- Audio: Adjusted the frequency balance of the ship voice lines
- Audio: Fixed a couple of clicks in the very low altitude engine elements
- Audio: Tweaks to mix of cockpit overheating sounds

Вернули кнопку самоуничтожения в ТРП


- Fixed SRV cargo transfer page not displaying cargo after transferring cargo to your ship then going and scooping a new load
- Added self destruct button back to the SRV
- SRV Scarab shown as being in a bay in the role switch panel, when no SRV is present
- On fitting new SRV planetary vehicle hangar all slots are full when viewing the role panel fixed


- Remove num pad 6 as a binding for chargECM, it's already in use for fighter order follow
- Small usability improvement for Slugshot turrets, drop the range at which they will auto-acquire targets drastically (down to 500m rather than the weapon's maximum range of 2000m), to stop them wasting shots on things they'll never hit
- Experimental Balance tweaks for Fixed vs Gimbal weapons with travel times. Overall we think larger changes are needed, but for now going with a safe option to avoid over-correcting and will review once these changes settle:
- Projectile Speeds for fixed cannons increased by 20% (for S/M/L/H weapons this has gone from 750/800/875/1000 to 900/960/1050/1200)
- Projectile Speeds for Plasma Accelerators (APA included) increased by 20% from 700 to 875
- Damage for fixed multi-cannons adjusted so that the benefit for fixed over gimbals is much more consistent, and on average larger. Small fixed multis are reduced by 5%, Mediums are unchanged, large and huge increased by 11% and 14%
- Damage for fixed cannons adjusted for similar consistency, small increased by 5%, medium/large/huge increased by 10%
- Damage for Plasma Accelerators increased for a more consistent relationship with equivalent cannons, medium increased by 2%, large by 5%
- Advanced Plasma Accelerator has also had its energy efficiency improved (7 per shot down to 5.5). It now has slightly better damage per capacitor power than a normal Large and deals more DPS, but at the cost of more heat
- Reduction in damage to Reverberating Cascade was a bit much, especially when considered alongside much improved ECM. Returning this to 35% of raw damage punched through to shield generator.(originally 50%, previously reduced to 20%)
- Balance tweaks to buff PDTs:
- Missile health reduced for Small and Medium dumbfire and standard seeker. Now requires 2 point defence hits rather than 3 per missile
- PDT jitter angle halved (from 1.5 degrees to 0.75 degrees).
- Fixed where PDT shots would appear to vanish but would still have an effect at long range
- Fix a reported bug with Containment missiles and their engineer equivalents, the 35 second immunity period was not working correctly for them
- Minor balance tweak for Containment missiles have received a 20% damage reduction and 50% increased time between shots. FSD interrupt mod has gone from a 20->30% reduction and the same 50% increase in time between shots. Reducing their overall DPS so you're sacrificing a little more to use them

Увеличено расстояние с 5 до 15 км, на котором будут появляться постоянные точки интереса, а также алгоритм их размещения станет избегать другие объъекты и другие точки; фумаролы будут извергать разные виды материалов из имеющегося списка; добавлены описания для разных загадочных объектов;


- Make sure body volcanism is being correctly read
- Increased the distance at which persistent POIs will spawn from 5km to 15km and also made the persistent POI placement avoid placing near POIS from other placement types
- Fumaroles now no longer spawn all materials of the same type, they will select from a bucket like other mining rocks
- Have more varied states of geological activity
- Fix for POIs getting cleared when swapping into a fighter
- Fixed Occupied Escape Pods in USS appearing as Illegal Salvage/Stolen
- Fixed missing Satelittes schematic
- Added schematics for various mysterious things
- Rebalanced geyser, gas vent and lava spout forces
- Modifications to which geological can spawn where based on the volcanism types
- Fixed the hitcheck for a mysterious thing
- Added mysterious thing schematic
- Fixed broken Geyser forces
- Fix to floating Data Uplinks
- Added audio activity to trigger audio when breaking off collectables from organics
- Fixed missing serverbank audio
- Fixed Lodding Popping on Datapoint
- Updated Large Aerials on Adornments to have new texture, to make them more visible
- Fixed audio for geology fields
- Tunnel geometry not lining up in civilian installation fixed
- Turned on the hitcheck for the scaffolding around the under repair capital ship
- Placed the correct Installation in Ngalkin
- Rebalanced liquid elements of geyser VFX
- Removing Lava and fumaroles from Ice only planets at this is scientifically inaccurate
- Audio: Mix tweaks to abandoned settlements
- Audio: Added low rumble to geyser

Уменьшена минимальная видимость у белых карликов и нейтронных звёзд


- Minor optimisation to texture lookup for jet cones
- Jet cone optimisations and quality settings
- Enable BC7 compression
- Fixed some pixelation on ice distant map
- Reduce the minimum star visibility for white dwarves and neutron stars. This fixes an issue where lens flares for those star types would be rendered when the star was occluded by a planet


- Dock and travel tutorial: show correct station entrance pointer at all times during station approach, so that pointer doesn't suddenly jump to the wrong place
- Dock and travel tutorial: Don't allow cargo jettisoning
- Fixed logic loophole where docking and travel tutorial could be waiting for the docking UI to appear indefinitely if the landing gear is deployed very late
- Audio: Fix for incorrect tutorial VO line

Player Journal

- When collecting microresources, include the count in the journal entry
- When scanning a star, include age and surface temperature; When scanning a star or planet, include more orbital details;
- When scanning a planet with rings, more significant figures for ring statistics
- Modification to player journal entry when rewarded a bounty, as it may list multiple factions
- The "ReceiveText" event in the player journal now has a "Channel" value that indicates if player text was received via a wing, local, friend, or direct player chat;
also include npc chat
- Added checks that we're a component on the player's ship before writing an entry in the player journal - applies to the following events: USSDrop, FuelScoop, JetConeBoost, Launch/Dock/Fighter/SRV, HeatWarning, CockpitBreached, MiningRefined
- Include details of all modules stored in the MassModuleStore event
- When transferring a ship, report distance in LY not metres
- Added Commodity Rewards info into MissionCompleted event
- Fixed issue where some received text messages were not written into player journal
- Added a "ScientificResearch" event in PlayerJournal for contributing materials to a research community goal

Отредактировано Мурёна (07-10-2016 15:17:18)



Список НОВЫХ чертежей для Беты 2.2 улучшений инженеров с уровнями: Источник

Перевод наиболее часто встречающихся терминов:
Лёгкое крепление/  Light Weight Mount
Дальнобойное орудие / Long Range Weapon
Бластер малого радиуса действия/ Short Range Blaster
Прочное крепление/ Sturdy Mount
Эффективное орудие/Efficient Weapon
Точное орудие/ Focused Weapon
Разогнанное орудие/ Overcharged Weapon
Вместительный магазин/High Capacity Magazine
Улучшение скорострельности/ Rapid Fire Modification

Broo Tarquin

Пучковый лазер / BeamLaser
Лёгкое крепление/  Light Weight Mount level 3, 4
Дальнобойное орудие / Long Range Weapon level 3, 4
Бластер малого радиуса действия/ Short Range Blaster level 3, 4
Прочное крепление/ Sturdy Mount level 3, 4

Пульсирующий лазер/BurstLaser
Эффективное орудие/Efficient Weapon level 4
Точное орудие/ Focused Weapon level 1-4
Лёгкое крепление/ Light Weight Mount level 4
Long Range Weapon level 4
Разогнанное орудие/ Overcharged Weapon level 4
Улучшение скорострельности/ Rapid Fire Modification level 1- 4
Short Range Blaster level 4
Sturdy Mount level 4

Импульсный лазер/PulseLaser
Efficient Weapon level 5
Focused Weapon level 5
Light Weight Mount level 5
Long Range Weapon level 1-5
Overcharged Weapon level 5
Rapid Fire Modification level 1-5
Short Range Blaster level 1-5
Sturdy Mount level 5

The Dweller

Пучковый лазер / BeamLaser
Light Weight Mount level 3
Long Range Weapon level 3
Short Range Blaster level 3
Sturdy Mount level 3

Пульсирующий лазер/BurstLaser
Focused Weapon level 1
Focused Weapon level 2-3
Rapid Fire Modification level 1-3

Импульсный лазер/PulseLaser
Long Range Weapon level 1-4
Rapid Fire Modification level 1-4
Short Range Blaster level 1-4

The Sarge - новый инженер

Efficient Weapon level 3-5
High Capacity Magazine level 3-5
Light Weight Mount level 1-5
Long Range Weapon level 3-5
Overcharged Weapon level 3-5
Rapid Fire Modification level 1-5
Short Range Blaster level 3-5
Sturdy Mount level 1-5

Ускоритель плазмы/RailGun
High Capacity Magazine level 3
Light Weight Mount level 3
Long Range Weapon level 3
Short Range Blaster level 3
Sturdy Mount level 3

Дроны сборщики/CollectionLimpet
Misc Lightweight level 1-5
Misc Reinforced level 1-5
Misc Shielded level 1-5

Дроны передачи топлива/FuelTransferLimpet
Misc Lightweight level 1-5
Misc Reinforced level 1-5
Misc Shielded level 1-5

Дроны-взломщики/ HatchBreakerLimpet
Misc Lightweight level 1-5
Misc Reinforced level 1-5
Misc Shielded level 1-5

Дроны изыскатели/ProspectingLimpet
Misc Lightweight level 1-5
Misc Reinforced level 1-5
Misc Shielded level 1-5

Tod 'The Blaster' McQuinn

Cannon Light Weight Mount level 1
Cannon Light Weight Mount level 2
Cannon Rapid Fire Modification level 1
Cannon Rapid Fire Modification level 2
Cannon Sturdy Mount level 1
Cannon Sturdy Mount level 2

FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 1
FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 2
FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 3

Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 1
Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 2
Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 3
Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 4
Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 5
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 1
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 2
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 3
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 4
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 5

RailGun High Capacity Magazine level 3
RailGun High Capacity Magazine level 4
RailGun Light Weight Mount level 3
RailGun Light Weight Mount level 4
RailGun Long Range Weapon level 3
RailGun Long Range Weapon level 4
RailGun Short Range Blaster level 3
RailGun Short Range Blaster level 4
RailGun Sturdy Mount level 3
RailGun Sturdy Mount level 4

Zacariah Nemo

FragCannon Double Shot level 5
FragCannon Efficient Weapon level 5
FragCannon High Capacity Magazine level 5
FragCannon Light Weight Mount level 5
FragCannon Overcharged Weapon level 5
FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 1
FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 2
FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 3
FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 4
FragCannon Rapid Fire Modification level 5
FragCannon Sturdy Mount level 5

Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 1
Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 2
Multicannon Long Range Weapon level 3
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 1
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 2
Multicannon Rapid Fire Modification level 3

PlasmaAccelerator Long Range Weapon level 1
PlasmaAccelerator Long Range Weapon level 2
PlasmaAccelerator Short Range Blaster level 1
PlasmaAccelerator Short Range Blaster level 2

Bill Turner - новый инженер

Misc Shielded level 1-3

CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 1
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 2
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 3
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 1
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 2
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 3

FuelScoop Misc Shielded level 1
FuelScoop Misc Shielded level 2
FuelScoop Misc Shielded level 3

KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
KillWarrantScanner Misc Reinforced level 1
KillWarrantScanner Misc Reinforced level 2
KillWarrantScanner Misc Reinforced level 3
KillWarrantScanner Misc Shielded level 1
KillWarrantScanner Misc Shielded level 2
KillWarrantScanner Misc Shielded level 3

LifeSupport Misc Lightweight level 1
LifeSupport Misc Lightweight level 2
LifeSupport Misc Lightweight level 3
LifeSupport Misc Reinforced level 1
LifeSupport Misc Reinforced level 2
LifeSupport Misc Reinforced level 3
LifeSupport Misc Shielded level 1
LifeSupport Misc Shielded level 2
LifeSupport Misc Shielded level 3

PlasmaAccelerator Efficient Weapon level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Efficient Weapon level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Efficient Weapon level 5
PlasmaAccelerator Focused Weapon level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Focused Weapon level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Focused Weapon level 5
PlasmaAccelerator Light Weight Mount level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Light Weight Mount level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Light Weight Mount level 5
PlasmaAccelerator Long Range Weapon level 1
PlasmaAccelerator Long Range Weapon level 2
PlasmaAccelerator Long Range Weapon level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Long Range Weapon level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Long Range Weapon level 5
PlasmaAccelerator Overcharged Weapon level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Overcharged Weapon level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Overcharged Weapon level 5
PlasmaAccelerator Rapid Fire Modification level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Rapid Fire Modification level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Rapid Fire Modification level 5
PlasmaAccelerator Short Range Blaster level 1
PlasmaAccelerator Short Range Blaster level 2
PlasmaAccelerator Short Range Blaster level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Short Range Blaster level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Short Range Blaster level 5
PlasmaAccelerator Sturdy Mount level 3
PlasmaAccelerator Sturdy Mount level 4
PlasmaAccelerator Sturdy Mount level 5

Refineries Misc Shielded level 1
Refineries Misc Shielded level 2
Refineries Misc Shielded level 3

WakeScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
WakeScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
WakeScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
WakeScanner Misc Reinforced level 1
WakeScanner Misc Reinforced level 2
WakeScanner Misc Reinforced level 3
WakeScanner Misc Shielded level 1
WakeScanner Misc Shielded level 2
WakeScanner Misc Shielded level 3

Lori Jameson - новый инженер

AFM Misc Shielded level 1
AFM Misc Shielded level 2
AFM Misc Shielded level 3
AFM Misc Shielded level 4

CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 1
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 2
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 3
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 1
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 2
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 3

FuelScoop Misc Shielded level 1
FuelScoop Misc Shielded level 2
FuelScoop Misc Shielded level 3
FuelScoop Misc Shielded level 4

KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
KillWarrantScanner Misc Reinforced level 1
KillWarrantScanner Misc Reinforced level 2
KillWarrantScanner Misc Reinforced level 3
KillWarrantScanner Misc Shielded level 1
KillWarrantScanner Misc Shielded level 2
KillWarrantScanner Misc Shielded level 3

LifeSupport Misc Lightweight level 1
LifeSupport Misc Lightweight level 2
LifeSupport Misc Lightweight level 3
LifeSupport Misc Lightweight level 4
LifeSupport Misc Reinforced level 1
LifeSupport Misc Reinforced level 2
LifeSupport Misc Reinforced level 3
LifeSupport Misc Reinforced level 4
LifeSupport Misc Shielded level 1
LifeSupport Misc Shielded level 2
LifeSupport Misc Shielded level 3
LifeSupport Misc Shielded level 4

Refineries Misc Shielded level 1
Refineries Misc Shielded level 2
Refineries Misc Shielded level 3
Refineries Misc Shielded level 4

ShieldCell Rapid Charge Shield Cell Bank level 2
ShieldCell Rapid Charge Shield Cell Bank level 3
ShieldCell Specialised Shield Cell Bank level 2
ShieldCell Specialised Shield Cell Bank level 3

WakeScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
WakeScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
WakeScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
WakeScanner Misc Reinforced level 1
WakeScanner Misc Reinforced level 2
WakeScanner Misc Reinforced level 3
WakeScanner Misc Shielded level 1
WakeScanner Misc Shielded level 2
WakeScanner Misc Shielded level 3

Ram Tah - новый инженер

ChaffLauncher Chaff Ammo Capacity level 3
ChaffLauncher Misc Lightweight level 1
ChaffLauncher Misc Lightweight level 2
ChaffLauncher Misc Lightweight level 3
ChaffLauncher Misc Lightweight level 4
ChaffLauncher Misc Lightweight level 5
ChaffLauncher Misc Reinforced level 1
ChaffLauncher Misc Reinforced level 2
ChaffLauncher Misc Reinforced level 3
ChaffLauncher Misc Reinforced level 4
ChaffLauncher Misc Reinforced level 5
ChaffLauncher Misc Shielded level 1
ChaffLauncher Misc Shielded level 2
ChaffLauncher Misc Shielded level 3
ChaffLauncher Misc Shielded level 4
ChaffLauncher Misc Shielded level 5
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 2
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 3
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 4
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 2
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 3
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 4
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 1
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 2
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 3
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 4
ECM Misc Lightweight level 1
ECM Misc Lightweight level 2
ECM Misc Lightweight level 3
ECM Misc Lightweight level 4
ECM Misc Lightweight level 5
ECM Misc Reinforced level 1
ECM Misc Reinforced level 2
ECM Misc Reinforced level 3
ECM Misc Reinforced level 4
ECM Misc Reinforced level 5
ECM Misc Shielded level 1
ECM Misc Shielded level 2
ECM Misc Shielded level 3
ECM Misc Shielded level 4
ECM Misc Shielded level 5
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 2
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 3
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 4
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 2
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 3
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 4
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 1
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 2
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 3
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 4
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 2
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 3
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 2
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 3
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 1
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 2
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 3
HeatSinkLauncher Heat Sink Ammo Capacity level 3
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Lightweight level 1
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Lightweight level 2
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Lightweight level 3
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Lightweight level 4
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Lightweight level 5
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Reinforced level 1
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Reinforced level 2
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Reinforced level 3
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Reinforced level 4
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Reinforced level 5
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Shielded level 1
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Shielded level 2
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Shielded level 3
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Shielded level 4
HeatSinkLauncher Misc Shielded level 5
PointDefence Misc Lightweight level 1
PointDefence Misc Lightweight level 2
PointDefence Misc Lightweight level 3
PointDefence Misc Lightweight level 4
PointDefence Misc Lightweight level 5
PointDefence Misc Reinforced level 1
PointDefence Misc Reinforced level 2
PointDefence Misc Reinforced level 3
PointDefence Misc Reinforced level 4
PointDefence Misc Reinforced level 5
PointDefence Misc Shielded level 1
PointDefence Misc Shielded level 2
PointDefence Misc Shielded level 3
PointDefence Misc Shielded level 4
PointDefence Misc Shielded level 5
PointDefence Point Defence Ammo Capacity level 3
ProspectingLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1
ProspectingLimpet Misc Lightweight level 2
ProspectingLimpet Misc Lightweight level 3
ProspectingLimpet Misc Lightweight level 4
ProspectingLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1
ProspectingLimpet Misc Reinforced level 2
ProspectingLimpet Misc Reinforced level 3
ProspectingLimpet Misc Reinforced level 4
ProspectingLimpet Misc Shielded level 1
ProspectingLimpet Misc Shielded level 2
ProspectingLimpet Misc Shielded level 3
ProspectingLimpet Misc Shielded level 4

Tiana Fortune - новый инженер

CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 4
CargoScanner Misc Lightweight level 5
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 1
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 2
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 3
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 4
CargoScanner Misc Reinforced level 5
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 1
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 2
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 3
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 4
CargoScanner Misc Shielded level 5
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 2
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 3
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 4
CollectionLimpet Misc Lightweight level 5
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 2
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 3
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 4
CollectionLimpet Misc Reinforced level 5
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 1
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 2
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 3
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 4
CollectionLimpet Misc Shielded level 5
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 2
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 3
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 4
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Lightweight level 5
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 2
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 3
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 4
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Reinforced level 5
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 1
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 2
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 3
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 4
FuelTransferLimpet Misc Shielded level 5
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 2
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 3
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 4
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Lightweight level 5
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 2
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 3
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 4
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Reinforced level 5
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 1
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 2
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 3
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 4
HatchBreakerLimpet Misc Shielded level 5
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 1
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 2
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 3
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 4
KillWarrantScanner Misc Lightweight level 5
KillWarrantScanner Misc Reinforced level 1-5

KillWarrantScanner Misc Shielded level 1-5

ProspectingLimpet Misc Lightweight level 1-5

ProspectingLimpet Misc Reinforced level 1-5

ProspectingLimpet Misc Shielded level 1-5

WakeScanner Misc Lightweight level 1-5

WakeScanner Misc Reinforced level 1-5

WakeScanner Misc Shielded level 1-5

Отредактировано Мурёна (07-10-2016 21:50:47)



6 октября был стрим с Заком Антониачи и Сандро Саммарко по поводу Беты:

Свернутый текст

Опубликован список Вопросов И Ответов к разработчикам с этого стрима (англ).



бета 7

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay in getting this up.

Some of you may have noticed that the Beta server has been down for a short while. This is to bring you the 7th Beta update!

Check out the change log below. The servers will be going up shortly.


2.2 Beta 7 Change Log

Stability Fixes

- Fixed error loading civilian installation
- Fixed a memory leak with the terrain compute shaders
- Updating the contents of module storage in UI was causing the UI to unlock earlier than intended fixed
- Fixed crash in outfitting where players were able to try to access data before it was ready
- Fixed an issue with a highly eccentric planet orbiting a single star and intersecting it
- Fixed an assert in CQC when damaged by an explosion from a destructible
- Module Transfer Crash - Trying to fit a module into a slot that it won't fit into fixed
- Fixed a crash when killing a faction ship
- Fix a server disconnection when boarding an SRV at a planet station after the ship has been destroyed

General Fixes/Tweaks

- Added MassLocks to Cap Ship Docks
- Fixed missing parts of starports
- Many starsystems were controlled by planet settlements. These have all been upgraded to dockable bases
- Bounty vouchers once again split between all wing members
- Allow bounties to be claimed from SRVs again
- Changed cargo scanner text to Manifest Scanner
- Added powerplay overhead cost in various places
- Fixed incorrect Imperial Cutter schematic
- Fixed some jet cone flickering
- CQC: When server logs out, make sure we clean up any pending lobbies
- NPC shouldn't advance their firegroups manager - this might explain some cases in game where NPC ships are not firing all their weapons
- Xbox One: Speculative fix for Xbox player not being restored to the island after resuming from store


- Fighter ramming not counting as illegal fixed
- Fixed the incorrect paintjobs used for red and blue in CQC
- Make sure active crew are displayed correctly
- Added an inbox notification when NPC Crew rank up
- Fixed NPC Crew profit share not increasing when ranking up


- Updated the tips referenced for political prisoner. They now display the criminal trait
- Fix error when previously occupied passenger cabins are not rebought from the resurrect screen
- Fixed passenger crime scans. Add string for passenger wanted crime


- Fix missing contract elements for delivery missions triggered by scooping an item
- Prevent disconnection when retrieving data from the previous system and we've already jumped
- Changed the panel to point to the correct text for massacre illegal and massacre skimmer mission templates - The Don't Die wrinkle now shows the correct text on the panel

Galaxy/System Map

- Fix planet scan logic to ensure that planet terrain is only visible if the planet has had a basic scan performed on it
- Fix rendering when there are only Horizons planets in a system


- Added ship summary back to ship details panels for local and remote stored ships
- Don't allow sold modules to have transfer options
- Display a 0% transfer levy when transferring a free item
- Distance Levy [Undefined] Displayed when transferring modules to your current station fixed
- Only display locally stored modules when transferring a module from storage to a pre-selected ship slot
- Fix server error after transferring cargo to a newly purchased ship
- Silent Audio on module store multiple scroll fixed

Station Services

- Fix quick restock button (was showing a full bar when empty), also remove vehicles from the calculation if not vehicle bay is present on the ship
- Adjusted the faction name label within the News Panel. It will now resize and add an ellipses when required
- Fix the contact panel avatar loading (triangles animation)


- Hatch breakers can now be blown up by point defence

Player Journal

- Fixed the 'abandon' flag in player journal for cargo ejected from SRV
- Fixed typo in player journal for ModuleRetrieve which was causing broken json
- Fixed missing 'Module' tag in JetConeDamage playerjournal entry
- Some non-settlements were being reported via the "ApproachSettlement" journal entry - was potentially revealing secrets
- Fixed "TransferCost" key in "FetchRemoteModule" journal entry



Очередной стрим с Заком Антониачи и Сандро Санмарко о Бете сегодня 13 октября на официальном канале ФД в 19:00 bst
Тема со списком возможных вопросов.

Отредактировано Мурёна (13-10-2016 20:02:05)



Вопросы и ответы с вышеуказанного стрима
Из интересного: (очень вольно переведено)
Будет ли возможность у исследователей находить редкие образцы материалов на дальних планетах и привозить в обитаемый пузырь для продажи ?
Мы думаем о расширении планетарных миссий и доставке научных отчётов, но пока рано об этом говорить. 

Есть ли шанс что вы снизите плату за перевозку кораблей?
Пока нет

Может ли Сила исчезнуть в 2.2 или будут существовать меры против 5й колонны?
Нежелательно. Хотим назначить встречу с лидерами ПП. Будут внутренние изменения.

Что такое Tuning & Auto-Dock в описании станций в системных картах?
Второе - где возможна работа автостыкующего компьютера (но не обязательна), а первое - Снаряжение и инженерные улучшения.

Будут ли закладки, запоминающие точки на поверхности планет?
О, клёвая идея, бум за неё бороться!

Будут ли ещё обновления у Беты?
Не мне решать, но как минимум ещё неделю она продлиться.

Шпецифитческий вапрос:
Когда мы, посетив станцию с эпидемией, начнём разносить её по обжитым станциям?
Отличная идея! Пожалуй, мы используем её в будущем, чтобы сделать нашу игру ещё более похожей на реальность.

И т.п. ;)



В седьмой бете какой-то ахтунг...

- Changed cargo scanner text to Manifest Scanner
Самое главное, в ТС сказали, что по-русски это будет сканер НАКЛАДНОЙ  o.O

Отписал им легкий стеб по этому поводу,  см ТУТ Спросил, типа, на контрабанду тоже накладные будут, или как? Ответа пока нет :)

Вот еще что интересное:

Many starsystems were controlled by planet settlements. These have all been upgraded to dockable bases



Al _Loiz написал(а):

В седьмой бете какой-то ахтунг...

- Changed cargo scanner text to Manifest Scanner
Самое главное, в ТС сказали, что по-русски это будет сканер НАКЛАДНОЙ  o.O

Магнитный снаряд их побери!



Немного не по Бете, но всё же.
Множество пользователей игры в последнюю неделю отметило, что сервера основной игры 2.1.05 начали слишком часто выдавать "отсутствует соединение с сервером". ФД озаботились проблемою насущною и вечор Эд Льюис на гора выдал на реддите следующую сентенцию:
"Привет всем - просто небольшая заметка, чтобы дать вам знать о том, что сказали наши превосходные серверные волшебники когда мы общались с ними:
- Почти все эти отключения, которые испытывают некоторые люди, выглядят как баг , появившийся в сборке 2.1.05, в 2.2 всё это исправлено; было бы замечательно, если бы вы прислали отчёты в случае повторения этого бага в 2.2, когда он выйдет. Мы искренне сожалеем, что вам пришлось пережить все эти неприятности и натурально приветствуем ваше участие в описании проблемы.
Так что вперёд, дайте нам знать, если выход 2.2 поможет!"

Отредактировано Мурёна (18-10-2016 10:16:17)



Выжимка ответов ФД, а именно главой отдела Technical Art  Мэтта Дикинсена о графических решениях и улучшениях планетарных ландшафтов и освещения, вводимых в 2.2 (англ.)



25 октября выходит 2.2



Полный текст подтверждения выхода 2.2 на оф.сайте можно посмотреть здесь.
Там же можно посмотреть новую заставку Guardians



И в ожидании обновы, минздрав предупреждает: на всякий случай не забудьте сохранить свою схему назначенных клавиш управления, дабы не мучиться и не переназначать всё по-новому. Как правило, файл находится здесь:
%localappdata%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings\Custom.binds
Скопировать в надёжное место и не забыть куда спрятали. :)

Отредактировано Мурёна (24-10-2016 11:24:33)